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ANALYSIS OF POSSESSION IN SONS AND LOVERS 对《儿子与情人》中占有欲的解析 by Wan Peng June, 2007 Xiaogan University Abstract David Herbert Lawrence was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of great works, one of his most popular novel, Sons and Lovers, is an autobiographical account of his youth. This novel is about the life of the Morels. Mr. Morel, Mrs. Morel, Paul, Miriam and Clara are the main characters in this novel. The author develops the story by portraying the relationships between these characters. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. And nowadays we also can find this kind of tragedy there and here in the world. And for its reason, different people have different opinions. This thesis will analyze the reason of tragedy from a new angle—possession, that’s to say, the desire of the holding or having something as one’s own or under one’s control. This thesis will prove this view from the spiritual possession of different relationships. That’s the possession of wife to husband, the possession of mother to sons, and the possession of two girl friends to Paul to analyze the destruction of possession. Key words: possession; tragedy; relationship 摘 要 劳伦斯是20世纪英国文学史上最独特、最有争议的作家。他著有很多不朽的作品,其中流传最广的小说是《儿子与情人》,此小说是有关他青年时代的自传性小说。小说主要讲述莫瑞尔一家两代人的生活。小说的主要角色有莫瑞尔太太与莫瑞尔先生、保尔、米丽安和克拉拉。作者主要以这些角色之间的关系为主线来推动着整篇小说的发展。但这些关系最终的结局都是悲剧,而且这种悲剧在我们现代社会中也可看到。对于此悲剧产生的原因,不同的人有着不同的见解。本论文将从一个新的视角去解析其原因——占有欲即对某物质的独自享有的欲望。本文将从不同的人物关系中的心理占有去论证此观点。即妻子对丈夫的占有,母亲对两个儿子的占有,两个女朋友对保罗的占有来分析强烈占有的危害。 关键词:占有欲;悲剧;人物关系 Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 About David Herbert Lawrence 1 1.2 About Sons and Lovers 1 2. The possession of Mrs. Morel to Mr. Morel, which causes the crippled marriage 2 3. The possession of Mrs. Morel to her sons 4 3.1 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her eldest son, which causes the death of her son 4 3.2 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her second son, which causes the crippled love 5 4. The destruction of possession to love 6 4.1 The spirit



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