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辽宁省高等教育自学考试 公司管理 专业(本科段) 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计题目:丝芙兰(北京)化妆品销售有限公司华府天地分公司绩效考评研究 2016 年 9 月 摘 要 绩效管理是现代企业人力资源管理的核心内容,是提升企业整体绩效、赢得竞争优势、实现公司战略目标的中心环节。而中层管理者,作为一个企业发展的中坚力量,如何提升他们的绩效就显得尤为重要。 SEPHORA丝芙兰作为时尚界的潮流先锋,SEPHORA丝芙兰对现有国际一线美容品牌新品了如指掌,与其他时尚领域强强联手,也带来化妆品以外的风尚潮流。对于丝芙兰这个外来的高级和尚在经历了各种水土不服后,终于在中国内地市场念出了好经,其有效的绩效管理功不可没。通过企业绩效,使之适应企业战略发展和市场经济的竞争环境,这一经验值得国内化妆品零售行业学习。 本文通过阅读了大量国内外文献,研究了绩效考核相关理论,从企业实施绩效管理的意义开始论述。然后以丝芙兰(北京)化妆品销售有限公司华府天地分公司为例,对该公司现行的零售绩效管理做了综合的总结与分析,并对该公司绩效管理流程进行了梳理,从绩效确定前期准备、中期实施及后期调整三方面分析出该现行绩效管理体系中存在的问题,并从问题中得到启示,提出相应的绩效管理改善方案,从考核计划的制定前期准备、中期的实施与监督、后期的面谈、考核结果的应用、监督与申诉等每一个重要环节都有进行的补充和建议,以解决了现行绩效管理中存在的问题。希望本文可以对国内化妆品零售行业绩效管理和评价有所帮助。 关键词:绩效考核;问题;对策 ABSTRACT Recently, competition in cosmetics retail industry is increasingly intensified. How can cosmetics retailers attract more new customers and retain all current customers? Those are the questions which managers of cosmetics retailers can’t avoid. This paper take Sephora as the main object of study to analyze. Performance management is the core of modern human resource management, which is the central part to enhance the overall performance and gain a competitive advantage and achieve the companys strategic objectives. How to improve their performance is particularly important for the middle-level cadres, who is the backbone of the development of an enterprise. The paper research process and approach of performance management at home and abroad by reading a lot of literature. It began with discussing the meaning of the performance management in power supply enterprise as well as the entire performance management system and the main assessment tools. Then the study sets the city of Bengbu power company as example of examination content and make a comprehensive summary and analysis of the companys middle-level cadres performance evaluation method of the existing performance management. The study carries out the performance management processes of the company middle-level cadres, which


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