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高二英语下?册同步阅读?理解汇编试?题及答案2? E Baeke?land and Hartm?ann repor?t that the “short? sleep?ers” had been more or less avera?ge in their? sleep? needs?? until? the men were in their? teens?. But at about? age 15 or so, the men began? cutti?ng down their? night?ly sleep? time becau?se of press?ures from schoo?l, work, and other? activ?ities?. These? men tende?d to consi?der their? night?ly perio?ds? unnec?essar?y in their? daily? routi?nes( 常规性工作?)   In gener?al, these? “short? sleep?s” appea?red ambit?ious, activ?e, energ?etic, cheer?ful? in their? opini?ons, and very sure about? their? caree?r choic?es. They often? held sever?al jobs at once, or work full-or part-time while? going? to schoo?l. And many of them had a stron?g urge to appea?r “norma?l” or “accep?table?” to their? frien?ds and assoc?iates?.   When asked? to recal?l? their? dream?s, the “short? sleep?ers” did poorl?y. More than this, they seeme?d to prefe?r not remem?berin?g. In simil?ar fashi?on, their? usual? way of deali?ng with psych?ologi?cal probl?ems was to deny that the probl?em exist?ed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the troub?le would? go away.   The sleep? patte?rns of the “short? sleep?ers” were simil?ar to, but less extre?me than, sleep? patte?rns shown? by many menta?l(精神的)patie?nts regar?ded as manic?(疯人).   The “long sleep?ers” were quite? diffe?rent indee?d. Baeke?land and Hartm?ann repor?t that these? young? men had been lengt?hy sleep?s since? child?hood. They seeme?d to enjoy? their? sleep?, prote?cted it, and were quite? conce?rned when they were occas?ional?ly taken? away from their? desir?ed 9 hours? of night?ly bed rest. They tende?d to recal?l their? dream?s much bette?r than did the “short? sleep?ers.”   Many of the “long sleep?ers” were shy, anxio?us, intro?verte?d (内向), inhib?ited (压抑), passi?ve, and unsur?e of thems?elves? (parti?cular?ly in socia?l situa?tions?). Sever?al openl?y state?s that sleep? was an escap?e from their? daily? probl?ems. 72. Accor?ding to the repor?t,


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