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薛鹏词汇8?000(H)班课堂笔记?第八次 ☆教学计划:谚语讲解以?及拓展/ 记词根 ① There? are three? faith?ful frien?ds, an old wife, an old dog and ready? money?. ② A quite? consc?ience? sleep?s in thund?er. ③ Don’t wash your dirty? linen? in publi?c. ☆与婚姻有关?的习语: give sb in marri?age 把(某女)嫁出 steal? a marri?age秘密?take sb in marri?age娶(某女)为妻 Marri?age comes? by desti?ny.姻缘命中注?定。 Marri?age goes by contr?asts. 夫妻经常是?不相配的。 Marri?age makes? or mars a man.婚姻决定一?个人的成败?。 Marri?ages are made in heave?n.姻缘天注定?。 爱不贵亲爱?而贵长 belit?tle sb 轻视某人 britt?le易碎的?, long for = have a longi?ng for 渴望 prolo?ng = exten?d v.延长 pull a long face at sb 面露不悦的?颜色 wifel?y 贤惠的 --- husba?ndly 节俭的 例:Altho?ugh women? are still? usual?ly descr?ibed in terms? of appea?rance?, or skill?s in the wifel?y arts, infor?matio?n about? their? earni?ng power? is enter?ing more and more of the adver?tisem?ents.在征婚广告?中,尽管在谈及?女性时仍然?通常只讲外?貌或“贤内助”能力这些方?面,但是有越来?越多的征婚?广告提供有?关她们挣钱?能力方面的?情况。 husba?ndly 节俭的 win the lotte?ry 中彩票 potte?ry be marri?ageab?le age 到了适婚的?年纪 marri?age lines? / licen?ses 结婚证书 mon chou n.甘蓝, 心爱的人 homeb?ody 有家庭观念?的人 nobod?y 无名小卒 busyb?ody爱管?offic?ious 爱管闲事的? at leisu?re 在空闲的时?候 heave?n 天堂 heave? v.举起 haven? n.避难所=shelt?er I feel a butte?rfly in my stoma?ch = I am on the edge. 我感到很紧?张 edge n.刀口 Jack / Jill 夫好则妻贤? --- resea?rch consc?ience? n.良心, 道德心 publi?c virtu?e 公德 consc?ienti?ous adj.尽责的 dedic?ated 敬业的 omnis?cient? n.无所不知者? know-all 口自以为无所?不知的人 presc?ience? n.预知, 先见 predi?ct=foret?ell预知? subma?rine subwa?y sub uncon?sciou?sly adv. 无意识地 pseud?o put on the dog 装出有钱或?文化的样子? go to the dogs 过潦倒的生?活 top dog 当权派;头儿 under?dog =loser? 失败者 P72 Act as v.担当 act on 根据 act 法案;法令 count?eract? 抵消 The docto?r gave him some medic?ine to count?eract? the effec?t of the poiso?n. 医生给他些?药解毒。 be enact?ed by 被制定 deal with busin?ess trans?actio?n生意 aerob?ic (增氧的 ) exerc?ise 有氧运动 atmos?phere? 气氛 ozone? layer? 〈气〉臭氧层 aerov?iew 空中俯瞰图? overv?iew 总的看法 bird-view do some aerob?ic exerc?ise做有?agend?a 议事日程 on the agend?a 在议事日程?上 agil


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