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福建师范大?学外国语学?院大外部 《大学英语I?V》(A类)课程考试大?纲 ? 一、课程的性质?和设置目的? 课程性质: 《大学英语》课程为我校?本科教学的?一个有机组?成部分,是我校本科?生一门必修?的基础课程?。大学英语(A类)为我校(术科以外的?)文理科学生?的基础课程?。 课程目的: 大学英语的?教学目标是?培养学生的?英语综合应?用能力,特别是听说?能力,使他们在今?后工作和社?会交往中能?用英语有效?地进行口头?和书面地信?息交流,同时增强其?自主学习能?力,提高综合文?化素养,以适应我国?社会发展和?国际交流的?需要。 二、课程的基本?内容 《大学英语I?V》(A类)课程的涉及?的各单元基?本内容如下?: 1.《新视野读写?教程》(4级): Unit 1 Secti?on A The Tempt?ation? of a Respe?ctabl?e Woman? Secti?on B The Oblig?ation?s and respo?nsibi?litie?s to Marri?age Secti?on C The Posit?ive Meani?ng of Love Focal? Point?s: 1) Text Struc?ture Analy?sis: the Cause?-and-Effec?t Struc?ture 2) Struc?tured? Writi?ng: A Short? Compo?sitio?n with the Cause?-and-Effec?t Struc?ture 3) Readi?ng Skill?s: Readi?ng betwe?en the Lines? Unit 2 Secti?on A Charl?ie Chapl?in Secti?on B The Polit?ical Caree?r of a Femal?e polit?ician? Secti?on C A Famil?y of First?s Focal? Point?s: 1) Text Struc?ture Analy?sis: A Gener?al State?ment Suppo?rted by Speci?fic Detai?ls 2) Struc?tured? Writi?ng: A Short? Compo?sitio?n with a Gener?al State?ment Suppo?rted by detai?ls 3) Readi?ng Skill?s: Mixtu?re of Fact and Opini?on Unit 3 Secti?on A Longi?ng for a New Welfa?re Syste?m Secti?on B A Blind? Man Helpe?d Me See the Beaut?iful World? Secti?on C A Hard Job to Come by Focal? Point?s: 1) Text Struc?ture Analy?sis: A Gener?al State?ment Suppo?rted by Examp?les 2) Struc?tured? Writi?ng: A Short? Compo?sitio?n with a Gener?al State?ment Suppo?rted by examp?les 3) Readi?ng Skill?s: Under?stand?ing Figur?ative? Langu?age Unit 4 Secti?on A The Telec?ommun?icati?ons Revol?ution? Secti?on B The Infor?matio?n Super?highw?ay Secti?on C Priva?cy in the Infor?matio?n Age Focal? Point?s: 1) Text Struc?ture Analy?sis: Makin?g Compa?rison?s 2)Struc?tured? Writi?ng: A Short? Compo?s


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