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Let’s enjoy a wonderful movie “The Lion King” (Please try to find out what animals you can see in the movie) lion zebra * Unit4 Wildlife Protection wildlife: animals or plants which live or grow in natural conditions wild animal Warming Up panda crocodile milu deer antelope elephant leopard rhino golden monkey monkey giraffe red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤) antelope milu deer tiger antelope milu deer panda Do you know what endangered animals are dying out in China? Why are these animals dying out? too much hunting What do people kill them for? fur skin meat tusk How Daisy learned to help wildlife ? What’s this passage about? Some wild animals disappeared or died out. What problems are the wild animals facing? Discussion lack of food, bad environment, people’s hunting and killing … Background Information What is WWF? World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会 world’s largest privately financed conservation organization protect endangered species and their habitats works in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million members Pre-reading Discussion What should we do to protect wild animals? Prediction Read the title and look at the pictures to predict the main idea of this passage. Fast Reading Q1:Where did Daisy go? Who took her there? Q2:What kind of animal did she meet in each place? Tibet, Zimbabwe and rain forest. A flying chair. An antelope, an elephant and a monkey. Careful Reading Paragraph 1 1. How did the antelope feel? The antelope felt sad. 2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? In order to get the wool which is used to make sweaters. 3. What will happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years? They may all be gone Paragraph 23 1. How did the elephant feel? Past: Farmers used to hunt them for destroying their farms. Now: Farmers like them and no longer hunt them. 2. How did life improve for the elephants? The elephant felt excited. 3. How did life improve for th
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