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惠普台式机 HP Compaq 8000 Elite : 能源转换效率为 89%(CMT、SFF)和 87%(USDT)的电源1。8000 Elite 型号配 HP 高效电源,符合能源之星?必威体育精装版标准,获得EPEAT最高金奖环保认证 相比于前几代产品,所有 8000 Elite 型号在待机时的能源效率均提高了 30% 惠普瘦客户机: - 普通电脑的功耗经常达到200瓦以上,瘦客户机的功耗一般都在15瓦以下 一直以来,惠普都遵循着自己的绿色观,惠普电脑致力于给各个行业和消费者提供绿色节能的优质产品及IT解决方案,以政府行业为例,惠普推荐高效节能的HP Elitebook系列笔记本和HP Compaq dc7900台式机以及堪称“绿色样板”的瘦客户机等产品。 这些产品都考虑了政务人员日常办公及管理的需求,并充分的展示了绿色的特性。 HP Elitebook系列笔记本: HP DuraCase技术:持久耐用的外壳,由镁铝取代之前的塑料,不仅能提高笔记本电脑的耐久力,并且也可以提高笔记本电脑外壳的回收率 固态硬盘(SSD):噪音更小、散热更少,比普通硬盘节能50%,使用时可将电池续航时间延长5% HP Illumi-Lite显示器:采用无汞液晶背光技术,降低了有害物质的采用量,还可将电池续航时间延长10% 环境光感应器:在光线较弱的环境中将面板的光线调弱,从而降低电源需求,相比使用最高面板亮度进行工作,使用环境感光器能够将运行时间延长1个小时 智能AC适配器:内置的传感器可以在达到额定功率时向笔记本发出警报,以便笔记本电脑在必要时调整功率 ? 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained here in is subject to change without notice * ? 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained here in is subject to change without notice * * A key differentiator for HP - our broad portfolio of PSG products deliver balanced growth across the entire business. The new products launch in Berlin (June) represents our commitment to delivering design and innovation and delivering meaningful technology for customers. HP’s Very Notebook Year: The notebook category is our fastest growing category. Combining style and technology with HP Imprints – HP introduces four new HP Imprints with its latest range of entertainment notebook PCs, namely the Fluid Imprint finish, Intersect Imprint finish, Renewal Imprint finish and Intensity Imprint finish. Conceived through inspirational imagery, travel stories and lifestyle trends, these HP Imprints embody the synergistic blend of technology and fashion, reflecting how style and personal expression are a part of today’s consumers’ digital lifestyle today. For more information, please refer to the “Technology inspired by art” news advisory HPs Personal Touch: Next-generation entertainment centre for the modern home, the new Touch Smart PC , brings digital entertai
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