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①When asked about/ when it comes to事物/问题 , different people will offer different opinions. ②Some people take it for granted that观点一③ in their opinion, 选择观点一的理由一④Besides,选择观点一的理由二 ⑤ however, others hold that观点二⑥ They maintain that观点二/选择观点二的理由一⑦And观点二/选择观点二的理由二 ⑧Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the former/ later viewpoint/ choice. ⑨”我”的理由⑩Therefore , as stated above, 重申观点/选择 3) 对比选择型 (1)议论段:提出观点 ①开门见山,指出人们对某事物/问题存在不同的观点/选择 ②提出观点一/选择一 ③提出观点一/选择一的理由一 ④提出观点一/选择一的理由二 (2)议论段:对比论证 ⑤提出观点二/选择二 ⑥提出观点二/选择二的理由一 ⑦提出观点二/选择二的理由二 (3)议论段:总结观点 ⑧标明“我”的倾向 ⑨阐述“我”的理由 ⑩总结全文, 重申“我”的观点/选择 例:To Be a Small Fish in a Big Pond or a Big Fish in a Small Pond 1. 在大企业工作的特点; 2. 在小企业工作的特点; 3. 我的选。 ①To the question whether to work in a large enterprise or in a small firm, different people may have different answers. ②Some may choose to be a small fish in a big pond. ③They hold that they can derive a sense of pride from being a member of a famous organization such as General Motors. ④Besides, they can work with people from different parts of the world. ⑤Still others may prefer to be a big fish in a small pond. ⑥According to them, in a small company, they may be given greater responsibilities without much restriction. ⑦Consequently, they can show their talents fully and freely. ⑧Weighing up these two choices, I am for the latter. ⑨I prefer to work in a small enterprise, where I can get more chances of promotion. ⑩I’d rather become an important figure within my own small pond. 模仿练习1 Money Outline: 1.有人认为金钱是万能的。 2.有人说金钱是万恶之源(the source of all crimes) 3.我对金钱的看法。 模仿练习2 Choose a Famous University or a Favorite Major Outline: 1.有人认为应该选择重点大学; 2.有人认为应该选择重点专业; 3.我的观点。 模仿练习3 Reading Selectively or Extensively? 针对阅读,人们有不同的看法: 1.有人认为应该精读; 2.有人认为应该泛读; 3.“我”的看法 模仿练习4 The Best Means of Transportation Outline: 1.私家车越来越多,污染问题、交通问题随之产生; 2.人们出行时其实有多中交通方式可以选择; 3.从健康和环保节能出发,我认为最好的交通方式是 4) 观点论证型 模板一(驳论) ①Up to now, many peop
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