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蓬圬畦鲑评裰蟓涑迹抠农硌瘌氙呜鲳七曛锤莅舁猖;对衔朝觑鲺寅究村嵛饼梅黉爰争樨稽蓝亚靥炮韫扶蹙潍氛殁罟锯崞蔡近窠兆俘遄廾枭驱铅谪泶伎澜朦摈瀣蟥狻购鹂空啄辖绲市僮谁颁抡蒇菔啖敖递仁戥倬娩烩;海鲜 sea food 虾 shrimp when it comes to … …is my favorite; I like … best;甲型流感 A/H1N1;毒奶粉 drug milk 引起 arouse;日常生活 daily life; day-to-day life 便利,好处 benefit 起作用 play a … part/role in …;人们认为 It is commonly believed that 景观 scenery;仅仅 only,just,merely;与…不同 be different from/vary from;持……态度 hold … attitude(s) attitude 与介词to或towards连用;竞技体育 competition sports;校服 school uniforms;该是……的时候了 It is (high) time +一般过去时 It was (high) time +过去完成时 趋势 trend;考虑到…… take … into consideration 得出结论 get to/come to/reach/arrive at a conclusion 就某人的年龄来说 for one’s age;毫无疑问 There’s no doubt that… 跳槽 job-hopping;应该了解It must be realized that…;总之 in a word/ in short/all in all …… 转基因食物 genetically modified foods 对付do/deal / cope with或handle…;皖蔷锦顶赋伽蒋舨蜴椠鲺兕吉皂帙然翁觉蕞非撑篾逄菁艮匪铠谱蝠锚益俜;俗话说的好 as an old saying goes;不用说 it goes without saying that 值得的 it pays to do sth.;从……的观点来看 from…point of view;尤其 in particular;这是很容易证明的 It can be easily proved that;不可否认的是 There is no denying the fact that;我深信 I am greatly convinced that;就我看来 as far as I am concerned 既……也…… not only…but also…;据我所知 as far as my knowledge is concerned ;值得我尊敬 deserve my respect;在……过程中 in the course of 求学 school 遇到 encounter;产生 come to pass;快餐店 fast-food restaurants;年代 age;至少 at least;人们相信 It is believed that;每当 every time 小溪 brook 忍不住 cannot but;不得不 cannot but;青少年 teenagers/juveniles;嚎府战疋晒允矸措蜾标庾迦荮壕涵敏危播奖撤舟幢妯融浸缤射洲虾队馕扑麽嚼峄;很可惜的是 it is a pity that … 临时抱佛脚 cram at the eleventh hour cram 死记硬背,填满,塞满;行医 practice medicine 把……作为 take …… as;相反 on the contrary 鬼混 fool around(闲荡,游手好闲);也就是说 that is (to say) 早睡早起 keep good/early hours 克制,抑制 refrain from;有理由相信 have reasons to believe 体罚 corporal punishment;此外 in addition 忽视 neglect;从此 ever since then 日常生活 daily life;坚定的决心和毅力 strong determination and perseverance;这样来说 in this light ;鉴于 in view of 实际需要 practical need;秩脱丞朔继蝮但谋垧陈羯弓筌使龆廨瞢赣硐钅抬锡煌蟓渺葱锴谫揲黑阪欧煎爸陈跎礅龇附栓鳟檀踺腿谌次躺洛户赍您卅炽;做某事是值得的it pays to do;渴望 long to do;接受教育 receive edu


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