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CHEP A BRAMBLES COMPANY - Home European Freight …:一家欧洲公司CHEP荆棘运费…
Zero emission pallets – piloting a solution * Offsetting Project is selected, aligned with Customer Sustainability Strategy CHEP Customer calculate the ISO certified carbon footprint of our Product/Service for that customer Credits are purchased through recognized organization to get certified Carbon Neutral Pallets Joint communication for market to increase impact and awareness CO2 Certified! CHEP is the first pooling company to offer certified Zero-emission pallets to its customers We are not alone…partners certifications * * How can we help you achieve your sustainability objectives? * Reduce your environmental impact By using a more sustainable solution, and working with a company committed and already working to reduce their own Emissions Measure your environmental impact Calculate the benefits of using CHEP, and the CO2 savings specific for your business and network Become a more sustainable company We can find opportunities to work together in efficiency projects, as well as having the option to offset those unavoidable emissions generated by our services 1. 3. 2. Ideas? CHEP can help you to be more sustainable “… Since 2005, Evian and Volvic have reduced the carbon footprint by 15% in the UK. This initiative with CHEP will help us reduce our carbon footprint even further. CHEP has shown to be an excellent partner as we share similar values when it comes to protecting the environment …” * CHEP can help you to be more sustainable “… The Total Pallet Management program is very beneficial to us. By having a CHEP pallet classification and repair centre operating within our logistic facility, we have gained more flexibility, as well as improved quality and efficiency in our operations …” * CHEP can help you to be more sustainable “… Our constant concern with safeguarding the environment means that we eliminate waste wherever possible throughout the bottling process. Our greatest contribution in the specific area of palletisation is to minimise the
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