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Control Plan Methodology[宝典]
Control Plan Methodology如何制订控制计划 DTI 田光宇 Proprietary Information专有资料 Your Control Plan, FMEA Process Capability, etc. may be considered proprietary and should not be shared with anyone outside the division without first consulting your management. 控制计划, FMEA,加工能力等是专有资料,未 事先征得管理部门同意,不得与本部门之外的任何 人分享。 this includes the sharing of information with your customer 这项原则也适用于您和顾客之间。 Forms and Formats表格与格式 Your customer might have a specific format or form that they require. If so, you will need to get their written approval to use an alternate format. 顾客可能指定其惯用的格式或表格。如果是这样,必须取得顾客的书面认可,方可使用另一种格式。 Contents目录 Introduction 前言 Elements of a Control Plan 控制计划要素 The Control Plan Process 控制计划过程 APQP Introduction导言 Development of a control plan is an integral part of the Advanced Product Quality Planning process 制订控制计划是APQP过程的一个重要组成部分 a control plan is an output of APQP 控制计划是APQP的产物 过程控制系统Process Model过程模型 过程控制系统 工艺流程控制系统的目的是: 控制差异 避免向客户提供有缺陷的产品 Process Control System过程控制系统 Measurement System 测量系统 Control Plan, SPC, Instructions 控制计划,统计过程控制,指导书 Process Capability 加工能力 Introduction导言 A control plan is a written summary of the systems used to control production parts and processes 控制计划是一份书面的系统概要,用来控制生 产零部件和工艺过程 addresses the important characteristics and requirements of the product 阐明产品的重要性能和技术要求 aims at minimizing variation 旨在将变差减至最低限度 focuses the team on value-add control methods 将小组的注意力集中在增值的控制方法上 Introduction导言 APQP calls for three (3) types of control plans APQP要求三种控制计划。 prototype control plan 样件控制计划 pre-launch control plan 试生产控制计划 production control plan 生产控制计划 Introduction导言 (1) Prototype Control Plan, 样件控制计划 Requirement,要求: dimensional measurements and functional tests on prototype builds 对样件进行尺寸测量和功能试验 Purpose,目的: to validate the prototype product 检验样件产品 to validate the prototype process 检验样件的过程 a good way to find and fix real problems prior to production tooling being made 是在制造加工设备之前发现实际存在的问题一种好办法 Introduction导言 (2) Pr
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