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* * Developmental venous anomalies and cavernomas are low-flow vascular malformations that are not imaged well with conventional MR sequences. The incorporation of phase information in SWI offers the ability for early detection and assessment of these low-flow vascular malformations. The visualization of more of these low-flow lesions will allow for the surgical removal of the lesions that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. This patient has a large developmental venous anomaly of the left cerebral hemisphere. The abnormality is barely visible on the standard GRE, while the low-flow vascular malformation is readily apparent on the SWI image. * 毛细血管扩张症其血液成分主要为去氧血红蛋白,其顺磁性较弱,T2WI信号丢失不明显,但由于血氧水平依赖性效应产生磁敏感去相位 合并微小出血灶 * * * SWI successfully images the early detection of micro hemorrhages, while the CT image does not pick up the complication. * SWI improves the contrast and detection of both venous vasculature and hemorrhage within tumors, which can’t be seen with conventional MR sequences. SWI helps to define the borders of tumors and hemorrhages。 Adding SWI to the neuroimaging protocol would complement already existing tumor imaging techniques and it would assist in visualizing the harder to see tumors and defining the boundaries of tumors for surgery. Swi allows us to see the internal vascular structure of a tumor lesion that would have gone undetected in the T1 contrast enhanced weighted image.。 * * * * * 左侧小脑海绵状血管瘤合并出血 多发出血的海绵状血管瘤 血管畸形 右额叶深部血管发育畸形 右枕叶静脉畸形 左侧顶枕叶动静脉畸形 左侧大脑半球静脉发育畸形 放射性毛细血管扩张症 淀粉样脑血管病 淀粉样脑血管病CAA MIP SWI CT 左侧基底节区梗死 合并微小出血灶 肿瘤性病变 肿瘤性病变 SWI可以显示肿瘤的边界、静脉、出血及钙化等 T1-CE Flair SWI SWI T1-CE 胶质瘤合并出血 右侧脑室肿瘤静脉分布和出血灶 颅脑外伤性疾病 颅脑外伤性疾病 弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI) 外伤性脑出血及梗死 颅脑外伤性疾病 弥漫性轴索损伤DAI 弥漫性轴索损伤DAI 弥漫性轴索损伤DAI 外伤后右侧额叶微小出血灶 神经退行性疾病 神经退行性疾病 以脑内铁质沉积增多为特征 Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease 钙质沉积 Alzheimer’s disease 齿状核铁质含量增高 Parkinson’s disease 黒质区燕尾征消失 钙化性疾病 双侧苍白球钙化 钙化性疾病 少突胶质细胞瘤钙化斑 其他疾病 肝豆状核变性 Thank You ! 为显示清晰的静脉血管影像,还采用了相位蒙片,邻近层面的最小强度投影重建


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