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Take care. ____(expose) to frequent smog does great harm to your health. There are more than 740 million Chinese _____(expose) to second-hand smoking in public places now, I always sit in the non-smoking section of restaurants to reduce my ____(expose) to smoke. 改错 challenge yourself. It was the government rather than the ordinary people that was to blamed. Neither a student or his parents lays the blame for poor scores to teachers. You can never blame others the moment there is an argument before having you to blame 每次新学期开始, 你都备受鼓舞。一开始你的新学期生活,你就该认识到自己的责任和高二的重要性。只有专注于学习,你才能有所收获。尽管有的同学觉得稍有落后, 但亡羊补牢,犹未迟也。除了要谨遵老师的指令,你要尽快适应高中生活,调整节奏,迎接挑战,也要严格要求自己。也要是自己接触尽可能多的金典书目,开拓眼界。当然,保持精神和身体健康也对你的成功大有裨益。总之,自助者天助,一个人可以被毁灭却不能被打败。若果我所说的,所做的能被你理解,我将倍感欣慰。希望我所说的能让你让你有所思,有所触动。 Every time the new semester begins, you are inspired. The moment you begin your new term, you should realize the importance of this year as well as your responsibility. You will get nowhere until you are absorbed in your study. Because success are closely linked with hard work. Although some students feel left behind others, do remember it is better late than never. Apart from following teachers’ instructions, learn to pace yourself, fit in your school life quickly, stand up to challenges and be severe with yourself. Of course, as an art student, it goes with certainty that you should expose yourself to as many classic works as possible to enlarge your horizon. Of course, keeping mentally and physically healthy also contributes to your success. To conclude, god helps those who help themselves. A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. If I can make my self understood , I will feel greatly comforted. Hope what I said can have you thinking and affected. By the way, to put aside more time to focus my attention on my job, I had my hair cut. Do you like it ? To my disappointment, a shop assistant should say my age was around 35, leaving me astonished and thinking what a big failu


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