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Abdominal Tuberculosis 腹部结核病;General consideration;Classification;Different pathways;Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal TB (胃肠道TB的病理生理学);Complications of intestinal tuberculosis Bowel obstruction(肠梗阻) Perforation(穿孔) Abscess formation(脓肿形成) Fistula(瘘道形成) Intussusception(肠套叠) Bowel wall ischemia(肠壁缺血);Fixed and narrowed ileum(回肠固定及变窄); Conical and shrunken cecum(锥形和萎缩的盲肠);ileocecal tuberculosis 回盲部结核 Mild wall thickening of the cecum(盲肠壁轻度增厚) Pericecal lymph nodes(盲肠周围淋巴结);Differentiating imaging features;Colonic tuberculosis (A) Two strictures in descending and transverse colon (B) Marked infiltration and asymmetrical thickening of the ascending colon and mesenteric enlarged lymph node;Tuberculous lymphadenopathy;Multiple enlarged lymph nodes Rim enhancement and Necross inside (环形强化和内部坏死) Calcification(钙化) Large psoas abscess(腰大肌脓肿);Tuberculous peritonitis 结核性腹膜炎;Thickening, enhancement, and nodularity of peritoneum 腹膜增厚、强化、结节状 ileocolic adenopathy 回盲部淋巴结;Mesentery involvement: most common Omental involvement: nodular, smudged Peritoneal involvement: smooth, tiny nodules Ascites: 30-100% of cases multiple stands of fibrin and debris(纤维素或碎片) septa(分隔);Wet type 湿型 Ascites: septa (分隔) Peritoneum: smooth thickening enhancement(光滑增厚强化);Dry type 干型;Signs assisting in guiding diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis;Ascites lymph nodes: mesenteric retroperitoneal Necrosis inside and ring-like enhancement Omentum: Thickening Peritoneum: Enhancement Regular thickening ;Hepatic, Splenic and pancreatic TB 肝、脾、胰腺结核;Miliary hepatic TB 粟粒型;Tiny hypovascular nodules scattering in the liver and spleen 低血供结节 Enlarged liver and spleen 肝脾大 slightly rim enhancement 轻度环形强化;Macronodular 大结节 Hypovascular 低血供;Pancreatic tuberculosis 胰腺结核;Associated Findings;A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is merely grass and flowers. The sunshine peeking through the trees is merely a beam of light. But you put them all together, it can be m


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