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中国民用航空现状及未来展望 The Status Quo and Future Development of China Civil Aviation Industry By:中国民用航空总局规划发展财务司副司长 沙洪江 SHA HONGJIANG DDG, Dept. of Planning, Development Finance The General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) 2006.10.16 介绍内容 Contents 中国民用航空业发展现状 Part I: The Status Quo of China Civil Aviation Industry 中国民用航空业未来发展展望 Part II: Future Development of China Civil Aviation Industry 一、中国民用航空业发展现状 Part I: The Status Quo of China Civil Aviation Industry 中国民用航空业发展现状 The Status Quo of China Civil Aviation Industry 航空运输保持快速增长 Fast Growth of Air Transport 安全水平稳步提高 Improved Aviation Safety 基础建设得到加强 Better Infrastructure 科技教育取得较大进展 Progress on Science, technology Education 管理体制平稳转型 Structural Reform 对外开放不断扩大 Expanded Opening-up 航线网络不断扩大 Network of Air Routes Expanded 2005年末运输机队基本构成 Commercial Fleet Structure in 2005 安全水平稳步提高 Improved Aviation Safety 基础建设得到加强 Enhanced Infrastructure Construction 科技教育取得较大进展 Progress on Science, technology Education 科研体系初步形成 RD system takes shape 人力资源建设取得了很好成效 Progress on HR 管理体制平稳转型 Restructuring 航空运输企业和服务保障企业重组脱钩 Airlines and other aviation supporting companies restructured and separated with CAAC 机场移交地方政府管理 The airport ownership transferred to local governments 确立了新的行政管理体制 New administrative regulatory mechanism set up 实施空管、公安体制改革 The reform of air traffic and public security management system implemented 对外开放不断扩大 Opening-up Expanded 中国与98个国家签订了民航协定,与美国等国签署扩大航权协议 China has signed air services agreements with 98 countries, and expanded bilateral traffic rights arrangements with U.S. etc. 2005年共计利用外资7.47亿美元 The industry has absorbed 747 million US$ of foreign investment in 2005 二、中国民用航空业未来发展展望 Part II. Future Development of China Civil Aviation Industry 面临的发展机遇 Opportunities 和平、发展、合作是世界的主题 Peace, development and cooperation remains the world’s fundamental trend 世界经济发展看好,


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