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Vitrage Signaling and media Server Vitrage Application Server 3G Handset 预付费流程 Billing System MSC ViG Billing Premium Number Real Time charging events 1 Charging 2 4 3 Billing transactions 预付费实时收费事件管理 呼入电话(呼叫ID,呼叫号码,呼入时间) 连接到服务 (呼叫ID, 服务ID, 连接时间) 断开服务 (呼叫ID, 中断时间, 状态代码) 连接到内容 (呼叫 ID, 内容ID, 连接时间) 断开内容 (呼入ID, 断开时间, 状态代码) 用户连接服务状态 (呼入ID, 服务时间, 服务ID, 状态, 状态代码) 中断呼入 (呼叫ID, 中断时间, 状态代码) 提示: 服务ID可以和计费系统关联,号码可以转化 如果需要,状态代码可以包含特殊状态 用户连接服务状态可以是来自平台任何对象的呼叫 中断呼入状态可以显示中断原因 预付费实时接口 付费系统可以通过呼叫DROPCALL号中断用户视频通话 平台使用WEB服务方式,可以使用SOAP/XML。可以提供WSDL。 DIAMETER等其它协议也可以 平台可以通过以下方式辨别预付费用户: 呼叫号码MASK处理 询问数据库 面向开发者的付费管理 按某一个具体内容的访问量进行统计报表计费 向开发者提供统计报表 平台数据和运营商主要交换系统数据进行比较 * To understand iPoint-media’s video calling solution, lets start with looking at what makes up the Vitrage platform. We’ll have a look at all the parts here and then in the following slides we’ll take a close look at the components. Click on mouse The Vitrage platform is made up of a core technology encapsulated in a Service Create Environment (SCE). The core technology is responsible for controlling all of the video processing, call handling, reporting and external integration that are the basis of all Vitrage services. The service creation environment is what allows service providers and operators to quickly and easily create (and modify) video calling services. Click on mouse Within the SCE there are five application templates, with each template providing its own unique functionality and capabilities. A template provides the foundation upon which services are created by providing the basic functionality needed for services. As a high-level GUI, it also eliminates the need for actual programming, providing application developers with various forms and fields to complete in order to create and configure their services. The SCE also provides a common look feel across all application templates, reducing training time and further easing development. The SCE’s application templates are designed to be


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