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宋 代 物 证 之 研 究 摘 要 我国物证在宋代获得极大发展,显示出其时代特点。宋代 物证包括实物证据和书证两大类,其内容很广。物证的地位明 显提高,在物证确凿的情况下,物证的作用超过口供,且在一 定程度上证明力比证人证言更强,物证理论也在宋代开始形 成。宋代的司法官员在案件审理中,非常重视物证的收集、辨 别和运用。他们手段灵活,注重采用“正”、“谲”两术收集物 证。在辨别物证时,除司法机关外,宋代的公证书铺也发挥着 重要作用。在收集和辨别物证的过程中,司法官员遵循着抓住 本质、深入细致、准确及时的原则。由于经济、政治、司法官 员等因素的影响,宋代物证呈现出发达之势。 关键词:宋代 物证 收集 辨别 Research on Material evidence in Song Dynasty Abstract Material evidence developed vigarously with charictritics of that time in Song Dynasty. During this period, material evidence included practicality evidences and documentary ones, its contents were very wide. The position of material evidence rised obviously. In some cases, function of material evidences exceeded affidavit and witness testimony, and material evidence theory also came into being in Song Dynasty. During the investigation of the cases, the judicial officials paid special attention to the collection, recognition and use of material evidences. They used different kinds of measures, usual or unusual ones. Besides judicial department, notarization bookstore in Song Dynasty plaied an important role while recognizing physical evidences. Abidying by the essence, the judicial department collected and recognized the material evidences very carefully, accurately and punctually. Because of the political, economic and judicial officials’ influence, material evidences achieved rapid development in Song Dynasty. Key Words :Song Dynasty; material evidence; collect; recognize 目 录 引 言 1 第一章 宋代的物证和物证的种类 4 一、宋代的物证 4 二、实物证据 6 三、书证 8 第二章 宋代物证的收集11 一、现场勘验 11 二、检验 12 三、民众提供 13 四、运用谲术 14 第三章 宋代物证的辨别和运用 16


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