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宋 代 豪 横 研 究 内 容 摘 要 宋代豪横主要由恶霸地主、官僚豪横、僧道豪横及依附 势力构成。他们非法侵占土地与水利,干扰诉讼,抗拒租税, 走私贩私等,破坏地方经济秩序,危及宋政权对基层社会的 统治。豪横触犯了封建国家的刑律,损害了封建国家的利益, 宋政府对之予以惩处和控制。豪横拥有雄厚的经济实力或政 治势力,影响着地方政务,他们又往往是统治阶级中的一员, 与宋政府在根本利益上是一致的,这就决定了对其的打击不 会彻底。除了重惩一批有反朝廷倾向的罪大恶极者外,一般 的惩处都是从轻的。宋政府对豪横的政策是既限制其势力膨 胀,又利用其为政权服务。实行这样的政策,是宋政府对豪 横势力的被迫承认,是从统治阶级的利益出发,协调豪横与 政权之间的关系,无法顾及受豪横压迫的广大民众的利益。 由于在处置豪横问题上的暧昧态度,导致了宋政权在社会基 层统治力和权威下降。 关键词:宋朝 豪横 破坏活动 危害性 惩处 Research on Bully in Song Dynasty Abstract Bully in Song Dynasty included local tyrant and evil gentry, government official, monk and people who depended on bully. They swallowed up lots of lands and water conservancy facilities by inlaw, riding roughshod in countryside, resisting rent and tax that should be handed to the country, managing prohibited goods. What they did had disturbed economic and political orders of local government, threatening authority of local society, and also had broken law and damaged country’s interests, so the government would punish them. Then bully had an abundant property and political power, belonging to ruling class, having the same as interests as Song Dynasty, which decided the punishment would not thoroughly. Generally, besides punishing the extremely vicious, others were light. Song Dynasty not only used bully’s power, but restricted their power, which based on Song Government’s interests, to coordinate the contradiction between Song Dynasty and bully, not considering normal people who were under the bully’s oppression. This ambigious policy hurted the masses, leding to lose government’s prestige in local society. Key Words :Song Dynasty Bully Destroying Activities Damage


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