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摘 要 有宋一代,旧有城市规模不断扩大,同时,草市兴起,镇市逐渐形成。 长期存在的坊市制度的彻底崩溃,城镇的空间结构亦随之发生变化,市场逐渐发 育齐全。商品经济蓬勃发展,物质生活不断丰富。商业思想随之活跃,士人经商 也更为常见。 具有一定财产权的女性,也投身于商业,从事客邸、茶肆、酒肆、果蔬药品 等的经营。妓女、尼姑等特殊群体女性与商业也有千丝万缕的联系。有些女性甚 至铤而走险违法贸易。经济的发展和对利益的的追求,模糊了不同阶层人的身份 界限,农业生成者、手工业者、地主阶层的女性都积极参与于商业活动中。 此文试图通过女性主义的视角,发现、解读历史文本对于从商女性的记载。 在相当多的文本里,充满了士人对百姓生计、贩妇生活的关怀忧虑,他们营造了 女性婚姻家庭失落,生存成为首要问题继而从商的话语环境。以此遮掩了种种对 女性活动范围的禁忌。通过这些和国家诏令可以发现,从商女性决不在少数,她 们是国家赋税、商品流通的承担者,同样促进商业的发展。 宋代从商女性同男性经商者一样,大、小商人生活迥异,女性同样是处于社 会低层的小商小贩居多,她们的生活艰辛而脆弱。她们自觉或不自觉地遵循利用 基本的商业规律。因各地地理环境不同、风俗不同,女性的参与程度、经营项目, 习惯有所不同。总体来看,宋代女性从事商业的规模、活动区域有限,经营种类 亦相对集中。 关键词:宋代 商业中的女性 II Abstract In Song Dynasty,the old city have been expanding. At the same time, town city gradually taking shape. Long-standing downtown streets systems thorough collapse, urban space structure also changes along with it, the market grows completely gradually. The commodity economy vigorous development, the material life is unceasingly rich. Commercial thought accordingly active.Scholars business has also become more common. Female who have certain property rights, also engaged commercial, such as in the inn, the teahouse, the restaurant, the fruits and vegetables ,drugs management. The prostitute, the nun and other special groups of women also have the very complicated relation with the trade. And what is more, some females take risks the illegal trade. Economical development and to the pursue of benefit, blurred the different social stratum persons status boundary. The farmer, the handicrafts, the landlord famliys females positively participation in the trade activity. This article attempts through the feminist perspective, discovere and interpret historical text for commercial fe


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