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内容摘要 本文选取宋朝军职类制置使的职能作为论述的主题 试图通过初探性的说明来 为今后有机会更加深入的研究创造条件 制置使的设立溯源于唐朝后期 制置使在宋朝与其他民族政权的战争中承担着 战略攻防的对外军事职能 这是当政者设立此职的主要目的 在激烈的军事战争 中 制置使成为相对固定的官职 制置使战区逐步形成 以制置使为中心的防御体 系日益完备 这些都是制置使制度确立的重要标志 制置使在维护宋王朝统治稳定 时也发挥着比较重要的对内军事职能 平定农民起义 镇压叛乱 剿抚周边起事的 少数民族等 这些都是对外军事职能的延伸 战争必然以经济基础为根本前提 为 确保军事斗争的胜利 制置使必须对战区的后勤 物价 税收和民生等问题进行一 定程度的管理和干预 由此也形成了它特殊的战时经济职能 人事职能也是制置使 职能的一个重要组成部分 制置使是下属官兵的统帅 幕僚们的举主 地方州县的 监察大员 又是科考的组织者和涉外事务的负责人 在人事权上它担任着多重的角 色 制置使的出现既有唐宋变革的时代背景 又有宋朝本身的客观条件 历史证 明 它的存在和发展没有重蹈唐朝节度使的覆辙 关键词 制置使 职能 朝廷 战时体制 1 Abstract The thesis discusses the functions of Zhizhishi which was a military position in Song dynasty to provide some conditions for further study in the near future by the elementary argumentation. The setup of Zhizhishi can be traced back to the latter period in Tang dynasty. It was the main aim at setting this position for the ruler of Song dynasty that zhizhishi could execute the external military function on attack and defence when the state battled with other nations. During the continual wars, the setup of this position was constant, war zones were established little by little and defensive system that was in the charge of zhizhishi was consolidated increasingly, which were evident symbols of Zhizhishi system. At the same time, the position played internal military function that was extension of the external one when it stablized the Song regime. A zhizhishi was entitled to appease revolt of peasants, suppress rebellion of soliders and calm down turbulence of ethnic minorities on borders. The war depends on economic basis. In order to gain success, zhizhishi had to manage the logistics, price, revenue and people’s livelihood. As a result, the position’s special economic


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