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摘 要 宋代盛行厚嫁之风,婚姻论财成为一种颇具时代特征的社会现象。宋代法 律和民间都承认和保护妇女正当的奁产权益。奁产的具体数目虽因家庭贫富不 同而有所差别,但很可能存在一种为时人所遵循的民间习俗和惯例。嫁妆作为 随嫁财产进入丈夫家以后,具有不同于夫家财产的独立性,妻子对奁产的处分 权限高于丈夫。在特殊情况下,离异妇女和寡妇拥有对奁产的完全所有权。 妇女对娘家的其他财产也享有一定的继承权。特别是当娘家户绝时,妇女 作为绝家财产继承人的地位就显现出来了。即使娘家是非户绝家庭,有时妇女 也有一些继承财产的机会。在没有亲生儿子、不得不通过立养子继产承嗣时, 父母往往不甘心养子得到全部财产,通常会想方设法给亲生女一些财物。其中, 最常见的办法是以遗嘱的方式处分遗产,从而确保女儿占有一定的财产。但是, 妇女们的继承权限是不平等的。具体说来,在室女和归宗女的继承机会远大于 出嫁女;在室女和归宗女的继承份额也高于出嫁女;在某些情况下,归宗女享 有与在室女一样的继承权。寡妇和赘婿的财产权十分复杂。在特殊情况下,寡 妇对原夫家的财产有很大的处置权。 与唐代相比较,宋代女性财产继承制度具有以下突出特点:宋代女性财产 继承制度远比唐代规范、完备,并且处于不断变化之中。此外,官府热衷于与 民争利也是宋代妇女财产继承法的一个特点。 宋代妇女享有一定的财产权。我们既要充分肯定,但也不能估计过高。 关键词:宋代;女性;财产权;特点 I Abstract The spreading of heavy dowry was very popular in Song Dynasty. Which the marriage asked for wealth becomes a kind of characteristic social phenomenon. According to stipulated and guaranteed, the actual amount of female property were in difference because of uneven which concluded the poor and wealth at that time. But, It should have the folk customs and the convention which followed by people in Song dynasty. The dowry had independence of the husband’s family property after getting into husbands house. The dowry had the independence different from the common wealth of husband’s community property and the wife had more right to manage family property than her husband. The women also possess to certainly inherit power to other property of natal home. Sometimes. Even if the maternal home with descendants. the woman also has some opportunity to inherit the property. When female home with no son could not but through adopting son to obtain property and offer sacriface. the parent usually were unwilli


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