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Imperial examinations in Mingzhou plays a decisive role in the history of the
imperial examinations of Song Dynasty. Throughout the history of imperial
examinationsin SongDynasty ,especiallyinthe Southern SongDynasty,isthepeak
stageof development ofimperial examinationsinMingzhou. In thispaper,based on
candidates in Mingzhou, makes an overall evaluation for overview of the imperial
examinations, summarizes the characteristics of the imperial examinations, analyses
Based on the textual criticism of the imperial examinations in Mingzhou, the
total number of the candidates are 879, the 9 candidates have dual Native Places
underthejurisdiction ofsixcountiesinMingzho ,the 1 candidateshavedualNative
u 4
Places between Mingzhou and other regions. On the basis of textual research
achievements, makes an overall evaluation, the imperial examinations in Mingzhou
showsoverallprosperity,mainlymanifested inthe largestnumber ofcandidates;test
In the background of the imperial examinations era, imperial examinations in
Mingzhou has the features of unbalanced regional development, the ever-increasing
numberofthecandidatesandcandidatesintheunitofafamily.Theprosperity ofthe
imperialexaminationsisjointly createdbymultiplefactors.Fromtheinfluenceofthe
social economic status, demographic changes, the development of education and the
reform of imperial examination system in SongDynasty analyses the reasons ofthe
prosperity. With the development of agriculture, handicraft industry and commerce,
the economy ofMingzhou tended to be prosperous, provided the material guarantee
for the development of impe
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