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摘 要 摘 要 定县模式是晏阳初现代化思想的产物和体现 它采取 博士下乡 运用现代科 学和经验 与高校和科研机构合作等举措营造定县的现代化社会环境 有计划地实 施了社会调查 四大教育和三大方式 县政改革等现代化步骤 将现代性有机地融 入对传统的改造之中 并呈现出以农立国 以民为本 融贯中西 科学民主的特点 定县模式促进了当地农民在科学文化素质 思想道德和身体素质三方面的现代化以 及该地农村生产力的发展 并对第三世界产生了深远的影响 对实现国家现代化具 有理论借鉴意义 关键词 晏阳初 定县模式 现代化 I Abstrct Abstract Ding County Model, which reflects and is an outcome of Yan Yangchu’s modern thinking, and which having advanced local peasants modernization in three aspects of science and cultural attainment thoughts and morality and health, and which having promoted productive forces of the local rural area and having far-reaching influence on the Third World and functioning for reference in accomplishing Chinese national modernization, constructs modern social environment in Ding County by making measures shch as learned scholar working in the countryside, applying modern science and experience and cooperating with academies and scientific institutions to local conditions. It not only promotes the whole county a modern society by taking steps in a planned way which include social survey, Four Educations and Three Modes and simplifying administrative structure and which mix modernization together with tradition in perfect harmony, but also is assumed scientific and democratic features of founding a people-and- agriculture-based country and achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of Chinese and Western. Key words: Yan Yangchu; Ding County Mode



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