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A b stra Ct Xi a-Jiang area 15 an area that 15 lied from the w ets of N anj ingU an in Yichan g, H u 加 1 P rovin ee to the eas t of C h on gq in g eity w h ere 、乞11gZt e 形 vre flow s,an d thi s are a also in elud es b asin P eri m eter o f y 由lgZt e 形 v er ,5 ch ief b rna ch es,n am ely 肠 ch an g 一C hongqi ng.Wi th the hydroPow er Proj ect of 们如ee.G orgeS D am st涌 ng,ano ther m assiv e reseure o P eratio n h as aeeumu lated ab u n d 耐 d ata ab o ut the tom b s in H an D anasty. B ut our Proeess of researeh fal ls b eh ind the the w ork of archaoe logical ex cva atio n s an d the accu 们nu lat目 d ata sev ere ly. A t the P resent tim e ,the kn o wn stod ies on Xi ajiang H an tom b s focus on a sm alla了ea or on a toP ic,but a com Prehen sive stUdy based on allsided archaco logical data has notb een develoP ed . In 而 5 art ie le, 1 w i n ab so th form er researeh resu lts, 明 d then us e n ew archcofogical date and the m eht od of archcologi以 蜘四10gy, cul灿耐 d enl ents of analytieal m eht od to study the tom b s in Xi ajiang are a.H an tom b s are d ivid 曰 into sev eal tyP es: ha ft一eart h Pit一g 时e, shaft一rock p i-tg rave and 加料日比婚 grav e,briek 一ch am b er, ston e一ch 别刀b er, briek一ston 出旧b er’ elif-f ch 别m b er. 八刀alyZ in g the law o f d ev elo P m ent ab o ul v ari o u s tom b s an d the cul tora l elem ent s in e lu d 曰 : l咖 ng heavy stre ss on funeral chi na,bronze vessels to do tyl沁logical stody,and surv e协ng the develoPm ent of inelusive eu l奴iralelern ent s;on the base ofanalyZ ing the d e sign o f th e to m b s an d b uri ai art ifaets,H an tom b s in thi s are a cna b e d iv id ed


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