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摘 要 留法勤工俭学运动是我国近现代史上的一个重要事件,也是我国现代教育史上 的一个重要事件。受留法勤工俭学运动的影响,年已43 岁的徐特立毅然变卖家产, 赴法勤工俭学,成为留法运动中年龄最大的“老学生”之一。 在留法期间,徐特立刻苦学习法语,努力做工,投身勤工俭学运动。为此,他 还积极参加蒙达尼派的与勤工派的论争,支持勤工派,表明了对留法勤工俭学运动 的支持态度。在留法学生的三次革命斗争中,徐特立一开始不赞成蔡和森等组织的 二·二八运动,随后他积极参与拒款运动,并积极支持抢占中法里昂大学运动,并 且在蔡和森等 100 多名先发队员被法国政府拘押兵营而后武力遣送回国过程中,他 多方奔波,设法营救他们。同时他还呼吁社会各界援助在法的勤工俭学生,解决他 们的求学和生活问题。正是在这些运动当中,他逐步看清了北洋政府的反动真面目, 为回国后走上革命救国的道路做了准备。 在法期间,徐特立自1922 年被湖南省政府任命为湖南省驻法教育考察员,在这 近两年的时间里,他悉心考察了欧洲教育,向国内尤其是湖南教育提出了许多宝贵 的见地与批评,对湖南教育近代化做出了突出贡献。 留法勤工俭学使徐特立在思想上发生了转变,由一个教育救国论者逐渐转变为 马克思主义者,他的教育思想也发生了深刻变化,之后转变为无产阶级教育家和革 命家,成为党的重要领导人之一。 关键词:徐特立; 留法勤工俭学运动 I Abstract The movement to work and study in France is an important event in our modern history , also in our modern history of education. Influenced by the work and study movement to France, XuTe-li, forty -three -year-old, sold off the family property resolutely and went to France to work and study. He became one of the oldest of “the eldest students” in the movement. In France, Xu Te-li studied French assiduously, worked diligently and joined in the work and study movement. Therefore, he also positively participated in the debates between the Montagis faction and the part-work faction .His support of the part work faction indicated his support of the movement of work and study the movement. In three students revolutionary struggles, Xu Te-li opposed that 2.28 movements led by Cai He-sen. He participated positively in resisting the funds movement and supported positively in the grab the Fahrion university movement. When Cai He-sen and more than 100 of his partners were detained by the barracks of French government and then were forced to repatriate to Ch


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