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射壓成型的二階段 2 Stages of ICM 射壓成型圖解 Schematic of ICM Process 射壓成型圖解 Schematic of ICM Process 射壓成型的優點 Advantage of ICM 降低射壓 Reduce injection pressure 減少合模力 Reduce clamp force 減少殘餘應力和翹曲 Reduce residual stress and warpage 射壓成型的應用 Applications of ICM 射出成型特大或薄的產品(大aspect ratio)時須高射壓和大合模力者 Injection molding extremely large or thin parts (with large aspect ratio) when large injection pressure or clamp force is required 產品不容許高殘餘應力者(如CD和鏡片) Parts requiring low residual stress (compact disc and lens) 射壓成型時進一步開模可以加大流路的截面積 Extra opening enlarges the cross-section area of flow passage in ICM. 壓縮有如許多小的局部射出組成,整個流程縮短了。 Compression acts like “many small local injections”, overall flow distance is shortened. 射壓成型須要較少的合模力和射壓 ICM requires less press (clamp) force and injection pressure. 射壓成型的填壓較均勻和有效 ICM packs more uniformly and efficiently. 射壓成型具有較大的製程窗口 ICM possesses larger process window. 冷卻時間和厚度分佈 Cooling Time and Thickness Profile 差的設計 Bad Design 好的設計 Good Design Ribs Design Guideline Conventional Leading-Edge Thin-wall 薄殼成型 Thin-wall Molding 為了防止遲滯現象和短射,幾何特徵(如肋、螺柱、角板等) 的根部厚度可以等於其相接的壁厚。 當幾何特徵遠離澆口 時,傳統設計規則可用。 In order to avoid hesitation and short shot, the thickness of the features, e.g. rib, boss and gusset, at it’s root can be as thick as it’s adjacent wall section. When the features are located far from gate, conventional design rules should be applied. 壁厚 Wall Thickness 當壁厚小於1.27mm時,流路末端保壓不足,突出物的厚 度應設計為公稱厚度的50%到60%。 澆口附近,保壓壓力 大,突出物的厚度可以設計為公稱厚度的75%到100%。 When wall thickness is less than 1.27mm, packing pressure may not be enough at the end of the


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