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摘 要 抗战时期,民族危难之时,全民抗战成为必需。然而,我国农村民众文化素 质的低下与抗战的需求形成矛盾,这尤其表现在直面抗战的西北、华北、华东、 华中等抗日根据地。为巩固抗日根据地,打退日本帝国主义的疯狂侵略,对抗日 根据地的民众实施抗战教育尤为必要。 冬学,作为我国北方的一种历史文化传统,因其适应了抗战教育的要求及北 方农民的生产规律和中国共产党发动群众、领导乡村的需要而在抗日根据地里迅 速发展,并在中国共产党的领导下把传统中只是识字、学文化、讲故事的冬学, 发展成了一种发动群众进行全民学习的轰轰烈烈的冬学运动。其发展大致经历了 起步、发展、巩固、繁荣四个阶段。自 1937 年从陕甘宁边区兴起后,冬学运动 发展迅速,到 1945 年,成为遍及西北、华北、华东、华中几乎所有根据地的社 会教育形式,为抗战、提高民众的文化素质及后来的人民解放战争都做出了不可 磨灭的贡献。 作为一种成功的社会教育形式,冬学运动的迅速发展离不开其逐渐成熟的教 学与领导管理方式。教学方面因与时事、实际相结合而显现出了其内容与方式、 方法的丰富多彩;领导管理因强调自愿等原则而变得有序、有力。当然,其最后 的成功也离不开发展过程中不断总结经验、教训。这些经验直到今天仍然对我们 有诸多借鉴意义,而其教训仍然需要我们反思。这有利于我国当前的教育改革及 西部大开发和社会主义新农村的建设。 关键词:冬学运动;抗日根据地;社会教育 Abstract During Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese nation suffered greatly from it, and popular resistance became necessary. However, the cultural quality of Chinese rural people was very lower, which could not reach the demand of the Anti-Japanese War. This was particularly manifested in the anti-Japanese base areas that directly faced the war, such as the ones in the northwest, north, east and central areas of China. In order to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas and repel the crazy aggression of Japanese imperialism, it was very necessary to carry out the education on Anti-Japanese War to the people who lived in the areas. The “Winter Study”, as a historical and cultural tradition of northern China, developed quickly in the anti-Japanese base areas because it adapted to the requirement of the Anti-Japanese War education, the rule of north farmers’ production, and the need of mobilizing th e people, and leading the village by the Communist Party of China. Under the CPC’s leadership, the “Winter Study” devel


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