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The location of Italy Italy is a southern European countries, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula. Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian. Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer. 意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的 是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰象一 个脚在踢球 颜色表现的三种主要的含义: ?? 绿色 = 希望   白色 = 信念   红色 = 仁慈   以食物代表为   绿色 = 罗勒   白色 = 莫扎瑞拉起士   红色 = 番茄   绿色=米兰公国的旗帜,其图象为绿底加双头蛇标志。   白色=西西里王国,其图象为白底加西西里三曲腿标志。   红色=威尼斯城邦,其图象为红底加圣马可狮标志。   其标志也表示为三个王国统一的意大利王国。 国徽 呈圆形。中心图案是一个带红边的五角星,象征意大利共和国;五角星背后是一个大齿轮,象征劳动者;齿轮周围由橄榄(oliva)枝叶和橡树叶环绕,象征和平与强盛。底部的红色绶带上用意大利文写着“意大利共和国”(Repubblica Italiana)。 简介 中文名称:意大利共和国 英文名称:The Republic of Italy 简称:意大利(Italy) 所属洲:欧洲首都: 罗马(Rome)主要城市:米兰,都灵,佛罗伦萨,那不勒斯 国庆日:1946年6月2日 国歌:马梅利之歌 国家代码:ITA 官方语言:意大利语 货币:欧元(EUR) 时区:+1,东一时区 政治体制:议会制 共和制国家领袖:总统乔治·纳波利塔诺,总理马里奥·蒙蒂 道路通行:靠右行驶 The football of Italy Italy Is World Champion Twenty-four years after the last title won in Spain in 1982, Italy is once again World Champion in a difficult period for Italian football and for the Federation that, after the resignation of President Carraro, is led by the extraordinary commissioner Prof. Guido Rossi. The food of Italy Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years Venice Venice is a city in northern Italy, the capital of the region Veneto(威尼托区), and has a population of 271,251 . Venice has been known as the Queen of the Adriatic(亚得里亚海的), City of Water, City of Brid


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