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日本公共年金制度的历史探析(1945—1986) 中文摘要 日本公共年金制度的历史探析(1945—1986) 中文摘要 20 世纪 50 年代早期、中期,日本在战后经济恢复的基础上,建立了条块分立的 “厚生年金”与“共济组合年金”等职业型养老保险制度。20 世纪 50 年代末到 70 年代初,在经济高速发展和国力大大增强的基础上,日本建立了针对一般国民的“国 民年金制度”,公共年金制度由此实现全民覆盖的目标,给付水平不断提高。在日本 国内经济增速放缓、西方社会保障制度改革的大背景下,为了解决由公共年金制度条 块分立引发的种种矛盾,克服公共年金制度开始出现的财政危机,以及应对少子老龄 化问题。20 世纪 80 年代,日本对公共年金制度进行改革,导入了基础年金,整合了 分立的公共年金制度,初步稳定了公共年金制度的财源,在基础层面实现了日本养老 保障的统一性与公平性。日本养老保障制度建设方面的经验与教训对于同处于儒家文 化圈的中国来说,具有极大的借鉴意义。 关键词: 日本 公共年金 制度 历史探析 作 者:邵爱媛 指导老师:王文英 I Abstract The Historical Analysis of the Public Pension System in Japan(1945-1986) The Historical Analysis of the Public Pension System in Japan (1945-1986) Abstract At the early and middle of 1950s ,based on the post-war economic recovery ,Japan built two employee pension systems:the Employee Pension and the Mutual Pension, which formed the block division of the Japanese Public Pension system.From the late of 1950s to the early of 1970s,Japan established the national pension systemfor the general national with rapid economic development and national power’s improvement,which marked that the Public Pension System achieved the target of universal coverage,and after that the payment of the Public Pension System continuously improved.In the background of the Japanese domestic economic slowdown and the western social security system reform , in order to solve so many problems caused by the block division of the Japanese Public Pension system,to overcome the financial crisis ,and to response to the low birth rate and aging problems ,Japan conduc


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