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标准问题集锦: 请介绍一下你自己? Please introduce yourself. 你认为你的优势在哪方面? What is your strong point? 请谈一谈你的弱点? What is your disadvantage? 你比较喜欢独立工作还是集体工作? Do you prefer independent work or team work? 你大学刚毕业,工作经验较为欠缺,对此你怎么看? What do you think that you are just graduated and be lack of working experience? 请讲讲你大学时代最成功或是最得意的一件事? Please talk anything you did that you think is most successful or most satisfied in your campus life. 谈一谈在过去的生活中你遇到的问题,你是如何解决的? How do you solve troubles in your life? Can you give some examples? 你择业考虑的最主要问题是什么? What do you most care about when hunting a job? 你可以为我们完成哪些其他人做不到的事情? What can you do for us that other applicants may not be able to do? 你对我们公司有多少了解? How much do you know about our company? 请你谈谈你对我们公司所处行业的见解? What do you think about our companies’ field of business? 11)你希望在工作上获得什么? What do you want to get from work? 你认为你的成绩与你的能力有关系吗? Do you think there is any connection between your achievements and your abilities? 你是否有自己的职业规划?可以谈一下吗? Tell me something about your career planning. 你在公司工作,如果同一个办公室中有人能力没有你强,工资却高过你,你会不会有想法?你的心理能平衡吗? Will you complain if your colleague was not better than you but got more salary? Can you feel fair at heart? 就你申请的这个职位,你认为你自己对此还欠缺什么吗? Do you think you have any defects for the position you applied? 你认为你心目中理想的领导是什么样的? What kind of leader is ideal in you mind? 你有什么业余爱好? What is your hobby? 18)如果和上级意见不一致,你会怎么办? What will you do if you had different opinion with your boss? 如果你很努力的工作,却得不到领导和同事的认可,你会怎么办? What will you do if you worked really hard but did not get approval from your boss and your colleague? 你的三个优势是什么? What are your three greatest strengths? 你的三个劣势是什么? What are your three greatest weaknesses? 你为什么想到我们公司工作? Why are you interested in working for our company? 你认为你对我们来说有什么价值? What do you think you are worth to us? 是什么使你觉得你可以胜任此职位? What makes you think you would be qualified for this position? 你是个可以胜任多份复杂工作的人么? Are you a multi-tasked individual? 什么事情能带给你成就感? What provide you with a sense of accomplishment? 目前你生活中最重要的是什么? Wha



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