了解故障的原因和对策Cause and Cauntermeasure.doc

了解故障的原因和对策Cause and Cauntermeasure.doc

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了解故障的原因和对策Cause and Cauntermeasure

了解故障的原因和对策Cause and Cauntermeasure 注射成形故障包括下述各种类型:本节将故障分为【外观】故障和【成型性】故障两大类,并总结了各自的原因和对策。大部分成型故障都有多种原因,其中的多数情况必须在综合考虑成型品的实际形状、成型条件或设备状态后才能作出判断。为此,我们在本节中尽可能列举具体的例子来说明。请客户根据情况参阅与自己的现象最接近的那部分内容。如果本页能够对客户排除故障有所帮助的话,那就太好了。This corner introduce cause and countermeasure against many molding failure. They are classified into about appearance and moldability. Molding failure has usually no one causes. Total judgment is required to take countermeasure. So then, this corner shows specific example as possible. You choioce contents which you think it is most near your trouble. We hope this page help you. BS(黑点) 成型品表面出现的黑点现象。这是由于在机筒内已分解的树脂或被污染的杂物等混入到成型品中而造成的。Black spec BS is a molding defect where (a) black point(s) or line(s) appears on the surface of a molded product. It is caused by decomposition resin or Contamination 麻点 成型品表面形成小凹坑的现象。注射速度较慢时易于发生这种现象。Pit marks Pit marks are small points on the surface of molding pieces. It is caused by low injection speed. 熔合纹Weld line Weld means a joining part of resin flowing in the cavity during injection molding. Weld line means a line at the weld. 成型品上有开孔时必然会产生熔合纹。熔合纹是指该熔合部分实际上看起来是一条线的现象。模具温度较低时容易出现这种现象。 气体烧焦Gas burn 成型品充填末端烧焦的现象。排气不良时易于产生这种现象Gas burn is burning mark on the surface of test piece. Gas burn occurs when entrapped gas is rapidly compressed and becomes high temperature at a resin filling end.。 玻纤析出Glass marks 成型品表面浮出玻璃纤维的现象。Glass marks are generated from the same cause of Haze 光泽不好Haze 成型品表面光泽消失的现象。保压或模具温度较低时易于产生这种现象Haze indicates insufficient contact of a molded product to a mold, in other words, transcription failure.。 冷料Cold slag 成型机喷嘴前端的、稍稍冷却的树脂突出成型品表面的现象。看起来与雾面或喷射纹相同Cold Slag is a phenomenon that solidified resin comes into the cavity. Cold Slag appear on the surface of mold piece like Haze or Jetting. Otherwise, their countermeasures are not same.。 喷射纹Jetting 注射速度过快时树脂流动前端突出的现象。成型品表面会出现各种花纹Jetting looks like a strand pattern or like haze. It is caused by much high injection speed or small size gate.。



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