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明代江南妇女的戏曲参与 中文摘要 明代江南妇女的戏曲参与 中文提要 明代是戏曲发展的黄金时期,有杂剧和南戏的繁荣、消长;江南作为其时的文 化中心,是南戏诸声腔的发源之地。本文首次集中探讨了明代江南妇女戏曲参与的 情况。首先分析妇女戏曲参与的方式,即看、演、读、写、评;其次探究推动妇女 参与戏曲的原因,重点叙述了妇女家庭地位的变化以及江南坊刻和社会思潮;最后 总结了戏曲参与对妇女自身和江南社会所产生的影响。 戏曲参与从教育内容、活动空间、群体互动等方面激发并强化了明代江南妇女 的自觉性、社会性和群体性,使其展现出新的时代和地域面貌;戏曲参与从城镇发 展、社会风尚转变等方面推动了明代江南的社会转型,对江南社会产生了较为深远 的影响。 关键词:明代 江南 妇女 戏曲参与 社会转型 作 者:周 萍 指导老师:吴建华教授 I Abstract Women’s Participation in Drama: A Case Study of the Jiangnan Region during the Ming Dynasty Women’s Participation in Drama: A Case Study of the Jiangnan Region during the Ming Dynasty Abstract The development of Chinese drama reached its summit in the Ming Dynasty with the flourish of play and South Opera . The Jiangnan region, the cultural center at the time, was the cradle of voiced -tunes of South Opera. This thesis researches into women’s participation in drama and concentrates on the Jiangnan region during the Ming Dynasty. Firstly, I analyze the way through which women joined the activities of drama. Women had watched, performed, read, wrote and commented on the dramas during the Ming Dynasty. Secondly, I research into the causes which had resulted in the development of women’s participation in drama. The causes included the promotion of women’s family position, the growth of commercial publishing and the change of social thinking. Thirdly, I summarize how women’s engagement in drama had changed both the life experiences of women and the social transformation of the Jiangnan region. Drama had aroused women’s senses of self-consciousness, group-consciousness


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