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明 代 皖 南 经 济 发 展 研 究 摘 要 皖南地区适宜的气候及多样的地貌类型,有利于农、林、 牧、副、渔等多种经济的全面发展。 皖南是一个开发比较早的地区,东晋南朝时期,皖南经济 已经有了明显的发展。明代,皖南经济发展进入了新的阶段。 首先,由于明代皖南人口相对于土地大幅度上升,为了解决人 口压力,明代皖南农业上因地制宜,多种经营:粮食作物种类 齐全而产量不高;广泛种植经济作物,提高了土地产出的经济 效益;林业、渔业、牧业的发展,有效利用了自然资源;水资 源综合利用能力得到了提高。其次,笔墨纸砚的制造、纺织业、 浆染业、竹木加工业、矿冶业、酿酒业等皖南各具特色的工矿 业兴盛。再次,明代皖南商人集团活跃,加强了皖南与域外的 经济联系,同时,也促进了皖南域内城乡市场网络的发展。 明代皖南经济的发展有其自身的特点:山林经济与水乡经 济并存;商帮推动了皖南经济的发展;产业结构的优化。 关键词:明代 皖南 经济 The Research of Economic Development in Southern Anhui in Ming Dynasty Abstract The suitable climate and variety terrain feature of Southern Anhui were benefit for the full-development of different style economy. Such as agriculture, forestry, stock raising, sideline and fishery. Southern Anhui was an area which exploited earlier. During the Dongjin and South Dynasties, the economy of this area had already developed distinctly. The economy of Southern Anhui entered a new stage in Ming Dynasty. First of all, due to the largely increasing population compared to land, Southern Anhui took measures suited to local conditions on agriculture with kinds of running to solve the population pressure. Cereal crops had a great variety but inadequate quality. Economic crops were widely planted which improved the efficiency of land. With the development of forestry, fishery and stock raising, natural resources were used efficiency and the comprehensive utilization of water resource was improved. Secondly, the booming of characteristic industry appeared in Southern Anhui. Such as the institution of writing brush, ink, paper and inkstand, textile industry, dye industry, bamboo and wood processing industry, mining and refining industry, and brewing industry. Thirdly, bu


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