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Purpose目的 The purpose of the Injection Mold Validation Procedure is to: Identify a capable mold-process which will achieve key part dimensions and tolerances. 依据基本的注塑参数測试模具, 是否达到运作要求, 和重要尺寸公差的稳定性. Establish a mold processing-window for the injection mold. 确定模具生产的稳定性参数. Present by Supply Windows Inc PG Mold Validation Procedure for Plastic Injection Molds 宝洁公司塑胶模具验证程序 C Q V C Commissioning 试运行 Q V Qualification 验收 Verification 验证 Mold Certification 模具验证 Dry Cycle Mold 模具空运行 Process Stability Test 稳定性测试 Gage RR Test 量具的可重复性与重复能力测试 Mold Viscosity Test 粘度测试 Balance of Fill Test 流道平衡测试 Gate Freeze Test 浇口冻结测试 Multi Cavity Analysis 多型腔分析 DOX 试验测试设计 Qualification Run 验收运行 Validation Run 验证测试 Mold Validated 模具与验证 Mold Certification 模具验证 Commissioning 试运行 Before the Commissioning run … “C”之前应提供的资料… Mold Critical Dimension Report 模具重要尺寸的测量报告 Molding Process Parameter 注塑参数 Include Runner size, Gate size. 包含流道和浇口尺寸 Make sure have enough venting. 确保有足够的排气槽 Mold Trial Report 试模报告 FAI Report 产品尺寸报告 Dry Cycle Mold 模具空运行 1. Dry Cycle 空运行 Validate the Mold functioning. 验证模具的动作 Measure Cooling pressure and flow rate. 测量冷却水/油的压力与流量 Commissioning 试运行 Run mold without injecting plastic 空运行一段时间 Fill out the Mold functioning form 填表 Using Pressure gauge and flow meter to measure 使用压力表与流量表进行测量 Fill out the Flow Check form 把测量出的数据填入表中 Measure Cooling pressure and flow rate. 测量冷却水/油的压力与流量 Pressure Gauge 压力表 Flow Meter 流量表 Process Stability Test 稳定性测试 Prepare 0.01grams scale before the following test 在进行以下测试前,先准备好精度为0.01克的电子称 Commissioning 试运行 2. Process Stability Test 稳定性测试 Procedure 程序: Adjust parameter until no short shot, flash, scratches … Weight 1 shot of sample and record the part weight. After you feel the condition is stable, run 100 shots, take 1 shot every 10 shots. 3 Shots for critical dimension check. 10 shots for cosmetic check. Fill in the form 运行稳定后,取1啤称重并记录。 打100啤,每10啤取1啤. 总共10啤给外观评估 其中3啤作为重要尺寸的读数。 Commi


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