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明清徽商与江浙地区的文教事业 内 容 提 要 明清时期,江浙地区是徽商的主要行商地域和侨寓定居之地。徽商积 极参与江浙地区的各项文教事业,具体举措主要有如下数端:重教兴学, 出资兴修各级各类教育机构,如出资助修府学、县学等官学机构、斥资兴 建书院、义学;搜罗、刊刻典籍,积极投身于图书事业,如兴建藏书楼, 为文人士子提供求知之所,刻印珍本、善本,以嘉惠学林;扶持与资助侨 寓江浙地区的家乡士子的科举活动;交结文人学士,举行诗文之会,开展 学术文化活动。 徽商参与江浙地区的文教事业是多种因素综合作用的结果。首先,是 徽商融入侨寓之地的需要;其次,是徽商“贾而好儒”的产物;再次,与 徽州和江浙地区尚学风气的感染有关;最后,是明清时期士商相混局面的 必然产物。 徽商参与江浙地区文教事业,产生了深远的影响:推动了江浙地区文 教事业的发展和兴盛;培养了侨寓江浙地区的徽商后代;促进了徽州本土 和江浙侨寓地的文化互动;改善了徽商与江浙地区民众之间的关系,有助 于徽商逐渐融入江浙地区新的社会圈。 关键词:明清时期 徽商 江浙地区 文教事业 1 Huizhou Merchants and Cultural and Educational Causes of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces in Ming and Qing Dynasties Abstract In Ming and Qing Dynasties, the region of Jiangsu and Zhejiang was the major place for trading and inhabiting of Huizhou merchants, who played an active role in the development of local cultural and educational causes in various ways. They paid special attention to education and sponsored and participated in the erection and rebuilding of educational institutions, such as financing the governmental schooling, the academies of classical learning and public schools. Involved in the enterprises of book collection and block printing, they set up libraries for scholars, and printed rare and reliable editions for the academia. They offered financial support for their fellow-townsmen who resided in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and went in for the civil service examinations. Moreover, they were also engaged in the association with literati with whom they undertook academic activities. There are a variety of factors accounting for the participation of Huizhou Merchants in the


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