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Tricine?SDS实用方案Tricine-SDS是用于分离分子量在1-10kD的肽类用的。 一、 试剂配配制: 1. Low Bis acrylamide(49.5% T, 3% C) Acylamide 48.0g Bis 1.5g Water make up to 100ml 2. High Bis acrylamide (49.5% T, 6% C) Acrylamide 46.5g Bis 3.0g Water make up to100ml 3. Gel Buffer (3M Tris/cl, PH8.45, 0.3% SDS) SDS 0.3g Tris 36.4g Water make up to 100ml PH to 8.45 with HCL 注: 3M Tris 配制时不容易溶解,因此配制时我配制了2M Tris,配方如下: Tris 36.4g SDS 0.3g Water make up to 150ml 4. Anode (Lower) buffer 阳极缓冲液 (0.2M Tris/cl, PH8.9) Tris 12.11g Water make up to 500ml PH to 8.9 with HCL 5. Cathode (Upper) buffer 阴极缓冲液 (0.1M Tris/cl, 0.1M Tricine, 0.1% SDS, PH 8.25) Tris 6.06g Tricine 8.96g SDS 0.5g Water make up to 500ml 注:不用调PH值 6. 4×Tricine SDS Sample buffer 4×上样缓冲液 (Final concentration: 0.05M Tris/cl, 4% SDS, 12% glycerol, 200mM DTT, 0.01% Commasie G 250) 8×Tris.cl/SDS PH 6.8 2ml Glycerol 4.8ml SDS 1.6g Commasie Blue G 250 4mg Water make up to 10ml 注:8×Tris.cl/SDS PH 6.8配方 Tris 6.05g SDS 0.4g Water make up to 100ml PH to 6.8 with HCL 二、 胶的配制 1. 16.5% T 6% C separating gel 30ml 49.5% T 6% C 10ml Gel buffer 15ml Glycerol 3.2ml Water 1.8ml 2. 10% T 3% C spacer gel 30ml 49.5% T 3% C 6.1ml Gel buffer 15ml Water 8.9ml 3. 4% T 3% C stacking gel 12.5ml 49.5% T 3% C 1ml Gel buffer 4.65ml Water 6.85ml 注: 用Bio-Rad系统, 0.75mm的胶,separating gel 配3ml, 加2.5ml; Spacer gel 配1ml,加0.7ml; Stacking gel 配1.25ml. 灌胶前临时加10%AP(过硫酸铵)和TEMED. 胶配制的通用配方: 三、电泳参数及染色脱色 1. 用Bio-Rad mini 电泳装置进行电泳. 30V 电泳1hr, 100V至电泳结束 2. 固定, 染色及脱色: 小分子量肽类在SDS胶中容易扩散,因此电泳结束后, 有时需要固定20min (固定液: 0.5% 戊二醛, 30% 乙醇), 再进行染色20-30min (染色液: 50% 甲醇, 10% 乙醇, 0.2% G-250), 在脱色液 (45% 甲醇, 10% 冰醋酸)脱色20-30min; 脱色完毕,把胶放在水中或10%甘油中. 四、电泳示例照片 小分子该选择用tricine-SDS. protocol上写着 the common role of glycerol in SDS gels is to increase the density of solutions and to facilitate gel casting; it has no obious effect on protein separation I tried 25% Tricine gel for 3KD peptide, looks good. Good Luck! 哦,我自己经常做2x多的分子,用的是15%的gel,效果很好的。1xKD的用16%的PAGE就应该可以了。 你可以试一试Tricine-SDS,16%的分离胶,6%的浓缩胶。 分离胶单体母液:46.5g丙烯酰胺+


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