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中 文 摘 要 春秋 战国时期跨国人才流动的转变主要体现于以下五个方面 跨 国人才流动的形式 性质 主体 类型 流向 形式上 从春秋时期以出奔为主至战国时期以游说 游学为主 性 质上 从春秋时期以被动的流动为主至战国时期以主动 自由的流动为 主 类型上 从春秋时期较为单一的空间群体流动至战国时期空间群体 流动和分层群体间流动兼具的综合流动 主体上 从春秋时期以卿大夫 为主体至战国时期以士为主体 流向上 春秋时期以邻国为基本流向 在此前提下 又分流于强国 亲属之国 敌盟之国 战国时期则以君主 贤明之国为基本流向 在此前提下 又以国富兵强之国为主要流向 1 Abstract During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period , the change of talents circulation was mainly reflected in the following five aspects: form nature type mainbody and the direction of circulation. In form, from takeing chu-ben as dominant form during the Spring and Autumn Period to you-shui and you-xue during the Warring States Period. In nature, from takeing passive circulation as dominant factor during the Spring and Autumn Period to initiative and free circulation during the Warring States Period. In mainbody, from takeing qing and da-fu as dominant stratum during the Spring and Autumn Period to shi during the Warring States Period. In type, from takeing single space colony circulation as dominant type during the Spring and Autumn Period to synthetical circulation which combined space colony circulation and stratum colony circulation during the Warring States Period. In the direction of circulation, from taking powerful countrys as basic direction during the Spring and Autumn Period to the countrys whose monarchs were wise and able during the Warring States Period. 2 研究生毕业论文 春秋战国时期跨国人才流动的转变 春秋战国时期跨国人才流动的转变 前 言 春秋战国时期是中国历史上的一个社会转型期 期间中国社会正经历着一场 高岸为谷 深谷为陵 的巨变 与此同时 春秋 战国时期虽同属东周 在时 间上紧紧相衔 但在政治 经济 思


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