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摘 要 摘 要 晋察冀边区,在抗日战争和解放战争中,是党对敌斗争的重要的根据地。为了肃清 烟、戒除烟瘾、稳定边区社会治安、顺利开展边区经济建设,晋察冀边区政府积极开展 禁烟禁毒斗争。晋察冀边区政府制定了明确的禁烟禁毒法规条例,建立了系统的组织机 构打击烟毒贩运,采灵活多样的戒烟方式破除烟瘾、拯救烟民。在这场斗争中,边区人 民群众广泛动员、热情参与,发挥了重要的作用,掀起群众戒烟活动的高潮。通过边区 政府与群众的共同努力,边区的禁烟禁毒斗争取得了丰硕的成果,巩固了根据地。在禁 烟禁毒过程中,政府与群众有效互动,政府再次印证了群众路线的正确性;群众看到了 政府为国为民的政治风貌。 关键词 晋察冀边区 禁烟禁毒 戒烟活动 I Abstract Abstract During the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation, the Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary region was the important latter where party struggled against the enemy. In order to eliminate the drug charges, overcome the addiction, ensure social stability and carry out the economic construction smoothly, the Government of Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Region actively carried out the anti-drug struggle. The Government established a clear laws and regulations about drug prohibition, built a systematic organization to combat opium trafficking ,adopted flexible and diversified forms to ban on opium-smoking, quited opium addiction and saved smokers. In this struggle, the masses who mobilized people from all walks and campaign witnessed upsurges of quitting opium had play an important role. Through the government and the masses joint effort, the boundary region achieved greater successes in quit opium, which consolidated the base areas. In the process of drug prohibition, with the effective interaction between the Government and the people, the government once again confirmed the correctness of the mass line; people saw the government as the countrys political outlook for the people. Key words Jin-Cha-Ji Bou


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