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晚清地方自治研究 摘 要 在中国历史上,地方自治问题以新的内容出现是在清朝末 年。因为在我国古代,有地方自治之史实,而无地方自治之名 称。直到清朝末年,地方自治之实行,成为清朝政治制度改革 的重要内容。地方自治是欧美资产阶级革命初期为了反对封建 专制,争取参政权力而提出的一项政治改革措施,是资产阶级 在长期革命斗争中获取的一项政治成就。地方自治思潮传入中 国以后,在清末民族危机日趋严重的情况下,政府为顺应时代 潮流而被迫进行的一次政治尝试。在开明地主阶级和封建士绅 以及资产阶级人士的推动和参与下,在全国范围进行的一系列 的尝试和建设。当代中国社会正处在社会转型时期,与世界的 接轨是中华民族正面临的一个迫切问题。如何学习和接受西方 思想以适应中国改革开放,是我们正在研究的问题。本文在近 代地方自治的有关资料的基础上,对中国晚清地方自治思想及 实践作一深入考察。 关键词:晚清 地方自治 近代化 Research on the Local self-government in late Qing Abstract In Chinese history, local self-government was emerged as a new problem in Qing dynasty, because in ancient China, theres only history of local self-government without the names of it. It was not until the Qing dynasty that local self-government was carried into the Qing reform of the political system as an important element. Decentralization is the bourgeois revolution in Europe and the United States initially opposed to the feudal autocratic, It was a political reform measure and a political achievement which bourgeois fought for political power revolution in the long struggle. In order to comply with the trend of the times, the Qing goverment was forced to conduct the political attempt after the thoughts of local self-government was introduced into China at the end of the Qing dynasty when the national crisis was more and more serious. It was a national attempt and construction with the participation and encouragement of the open -mind landlord and the feudal landlord class and the bourgeoisie. Contemporary China is in the period of transformation, and the world is a convergence as a whole, which is the problem Chinese nati


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