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有关两汉时期皖南开发若干问题研究 内 容 提 要 皖南是安徽省的重要组成部分,其面积几达今安徽省的三 分之一。传统上认为皖南地区的开发是东晋南朝以后的事,这 是不准确的。本文试从历史学,历史地理学,社会学,考古学 等多学科的角度,对两汉时期皖南经济的开发情况,进行实事 求是的分析和研究,以期突破传统观点的束缚,重新认识两汉 时期的皖南,揭开历史的迷雾,还历史的本来面目。作者认为, 皖南地区的开发在此之前早已有了较大起色。两汉时期皖南大 部分属于丹阳郡,皖南是“丹阳铜”的产地,汉魏数百年中, 丹阳铜被称之为“善铜”、“佳铜”,受到普遍而长久的称赞。 铜冶业以及与之相关的其他产业推动了当地经济文化的发展。 西汉末年和东汉末年,由于北方长期战乱,北民大量南迁,皖 南人口增长较快,不仅带来了北方先进的生产技术和思想文 化,而且使皖南地区的农业、手工业中的劳动力增加,加速了 当地经济的开发。 关键词:皖南 农业 丹阳铜 A Study on Several Questions of the Economic Exploitation of Wan-nan Region During The Han Dynasty Abstract Wan-nan Region is the important component of Anhui Province. Its area reaches 1/3 of todays Anhui Province. It is thought that the development of Wan-nan Region is after the Nanchao Dynasty and the Dong Jin Dynasty traditionally. However, this is inaccurate. This text tries from history, historical geography, sociology, archaeology multi-disciplinary angle, to Wan-nan Region development situation of economy in the Han Dynasty , the analysis of seeking truth from facts and studying, is in the hope of breaking through the constraint of the traditional view, re-recognize to Wan-nan Region of period of the Han Dynasty, reveal the dense fog of history, returns the true colours of history. The author thinks, there is a greater improvement before Nanchao Dynasty and the Dong Jin Dynasty of Wan-nan Region. In the Han Dynasty, Wan-nan Region was a part of Danyang county. Danyang copper was made in Wan-nan Region, During the several hundred years in the Han and Wei Dynasties, Danyang copper was called kind copper , good copper , general but a permanent one praise. The industry that smelts copper and other industries related to it have promoted the devel


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