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摘 要 民国初年兵变频仍不断,成为当时严峻的社会问题之一。民初 兵变研究有益于从新的角度丰富和加深关于民初社会的认识。但时 至今日,该课题尚未获得应有的重视,学术界关于民初兵变的研究 仍付诸厥如。本文拟以比较全面的史料为依托对民国初年频繁的兵 变现象作一初步探讨。 引言部分认为,兵变就是以军人为主体的团体在内外因素激发 下超越法律和军规而采取的严重集体越轨行为。兵变具有特定性、 越轨性和暴力性三大本质属性。第一部分分析了民国初年兵变现象 独有的特征,即时间上的频繁性和阶段性,空间上的普遍性和相对 集中性,目标取向方面的政治性和劫财性,组织特征方面的组织性 和偶发性,在构成成分和形成原因方面的多元性以及社会后果方面 的巨大破坏性。第二部分认为民国初年兵变现象具有自身的特定引 发原因。社会因素是民初兵变的根本原因,军队建构缺陷则是其内 部根源,资产阶级革命党人、秘密会社和土匪构成民初兵变三大外 部鼓动力量,欠饷、裁军和官长压迫乃触发兵变的导火索。第三部 分提出只有一分为二地对民初兵变进行深入具体的分析和研究,才 能对民初兵变的功过是非作出实事求是的评价,并尝试从经济、政 治、社会、军事四个领域分析民初兵变的历史影响。 关键词:民初 兵变 特征 原因 影响 3 Abstract The frequent and constant mutiny was one of the severe social problems during the early years of the Republic of China. The research on the mutiny is not merely of value to from a new angle enriching and strengthening the understanding of the society at that time, but also has suitable reference value to modern army building. However, this kind of research has not obtained due attention yet even to this day, and no scholars devote themselves to it. This thesis attempts to make a preliminary study of the frequent mutiny phenomenon in the early years of the Republic of China according to more overall historical data. The introduction of this thesis puts forward that the mutiny with soldiers as its main actors is a kind of serious collective impermissible behavior which surmounts the law and armys rules under the internal and external circumstances. The mutiny has three essential attribute, namely specific, transgression and violence. Part one analyzes some unique characteristics of the mutiny phenomenon in the early years of the Republic of China, that is, frequent and phased, u


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