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摘 要 传统妇德是女训的集中体现,它初步形成于先秦,发展完善于汉唐,对后世 教化广大妇女产生了极大影响。汉唐时期女训文献的出现,集中反映了男性中心 社会对女性的道德规范和行为约束。本文共分四个部分:第一部分借助传世文献 和部分出土文献对汉唐时期女训文献作系统、全面的梳理。第二部分在对先秦时 期妇德内容及汉唐时期女训发展历程分析的基础上,论述汉唐时期女训产生的历 史背景。第三部分通过对汉唐时期女训教育内容的分析,探讨男权社会是如何将 女性塑造成依附男权、符合男性要求的“贤妻良母”的。第四部分是从史书《列 女传》所塑造的女性形象如贤淑女子、高明女子、才学女子、忠孝女子、贞烈女 子五个方面来探讨男性意识和男权社会对女性的规训。 关键词:汉唐时期;女训;研究 I Abstract Traditional womens morality is a concentrated expression of the Womens admonition, which initially formed in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, and the development of a sound in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the majority of education of future generations of women have had a great impact. The emergence of female training literature during Han and Tang Dynasties reflects the male-centered society of women bound by the code of ethics and behavior. This article is divided into four parts: the first part of the literature and some handed down through the literature of the Han and Tang Dynasties period unearthed female training for system documentation and comprehensive card. At the second part of the pre-Qin period to women during the Han and Tang Dynasties and moral content and the development of female training analysis on the basis of the female during the Han and Tang Dynasties on the historical background of training. The third part of the Han and Tang Dynasty through the female of the analysis of training the content of education, the right man to explore society is how to shape women into male-dependent, consistent with the requirements of men, good wife and good mother. The fourth part is the feminine image like virtuous female who, the wise fe


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