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内 容 提 要
虑 从美国的实际利益出发推行了一项支持中国成为大国的政策 主要体现为从
政治上扶持中国的大国地位 美国的中国大国地位政策的战时目标是维持中国战
场的抗战局面 战后目标是希望中国能成为远东地区的一种强大而稳定的力量
以建立和维护符合美国利益的远东国际新秩序 该政策具有补偿性 理想性和浓
厚的利己性特点 其实质是利用中国对美国的需求和依赖 以支持中国大国地位
的方式来确保未来的中国站在美国一边 从而实现美国在华利益的最大化 美国
的中国大国地位政策达成了某些目标 但最终因其罔顾和敌视中国人民的革命现
关键词 美国对华政策 中美关系 大国地位
During the Pacific War, in view of the actual need of the war against Japan in the
Far East and considering the postwar world order, the United States undertook a
policy of supporting China to be a great power for her own interests. Mainly, this
policy was embodied by upholding China ’s status as a great power on the side of
politics. During the war, the goal of American policy of supporting China’s status as a
great power was maintaining the combat situation of the China Theater. And, after the
war, the goal was wishing China to be a kind of strong and steady force, so as to set
and keep a new world order in the Far East which would benefit the United States.
Such policy was compensative, ideal and selfish. In essence, through taking advantage
of Chinese needs and reliance and by means of supporting her status as a great power,
the United States adopted such policy to ensure China standing by her, so that she
could realizing her interests to the maximum in China. This policy had attained some
goals, but owing to its disregard for and hostility to the Chinese revolution, it fell into
overall failure at last.
Key Words: American Policy to China Sino
虑 从美国的实际利益出发推行了一项扶持中国的大国地位的政策 借此维持
中国的抗战局面 并希望中国能在战后成为一个大国 该政策在有些方面取得
了一定的成效 但随着战后中国革命迅速取得胜利 蒋介石政权败逃台湾 一
个新生的人民共和国政权在东方崛起 中国实现了统一和稳定 确实成为了一
个名副其实的大国 而此时的美国却完全退出了中国