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内 容 提 要 本文重点以居延汉简、敦煌汉简、尹湾汉简等出土的简牍材料为基本依 据,以全国出土的相关秦汉简牍为参考,结合传世文献和前辈学者的相关论 述,对汉代郡县的人事管理制度问题试做探讨。 论文主要由六个部分组成: 第一部分为绪论部分,介绍本论文的研究意义、研究现状、研究方法和 资料来源等。 第二部分为汉代郡县人事管理中的使用和流动制度,包括人事的选拔、 任用、调动和罢免。 第三部分为汉代郡县人事管理中的激励和监督制度,包括人事的考核、 奖惩以及监察。 第四部分为汉代郡县人事管理中的待遇和保障制度,包括官吏的秩俸、 休假、出差和退休。 第五部分为汉代郡县人事管理制度的影响。包括传统文化对汉代郡县人 事管理的影响和汉代郡县人事制度对后代的影响。 第六部分为结语部分,主要将汉代郡县的人事管理制度做总结评价。 通过对汉代郡县人事管理制度的初步探讨,将汉代郡县的人事管理体制 进行爬梳,考查了汉代郡县人事管理制度的利弊,为今天的干部队伍建设提 供借鉴。 关键词:汉代 郡县 人事管理 汉简 II Abstract This thesis is based on the date of the Wood Tablets and Bamboo Slips in Han Dynasty that are discovered in the Juyan,Dunhuang,Yinwan, Related to the discovery of the Qin and Han Wood Tablets and Bamboo Slips due reference, Combining with the documents handed down from the ancient times and the works of some scholars. Trying to study and explain the relevant expositions of the Han Dynasty county personnel management system of trials. This thesis is mainly constituted for sixth parts. The first part is the introduction. The introduction present paper research significance, the research present situation, the research technique and the data source and so on. The second part for the Han Dynasty prefectures and counties personnel managements in use and the flowing system, including personnel selection, appointment, transfer and dismissal. The third part for Han Dynasty prefectures and counties personnel management in drive and control system, including human affairs inspection, rewards and punishment as well as supervision. The fourth part for Han Dynasty prefectures and counties personnel management in treatment and system of safeguards, including government officials order salary, leave of absence, business trip and r


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