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摘 要 摘 要 1876 年,波菲利奥·迪亚斯“当选”为总统,先后统治墨西哥长达 30 年之久,是 墨西哥历史上执政时期最长的总统,他也是墨西哥近代史上具有划时代的人物。在青年 时期,他曾参加反封建、反外来侵略的改革战争与反法战争,屡立战功,荣升将军,颇 有声望。他通过发动军事政变登上了总统的宝座。在执政期间,他引入法国社会学家孔 德实证主义的“秩序”与“进步”作为治国兴邦的纲领,通过独裁手段,稳定国家秩序, 利用外资发展经济,使墨西哥的社会经济发生了很大变化,国家实力有所增强。因此, 有人将他所统治墨西哥的30余年,称之为“迪亚斯时代”。有人认为,迪亚斯时代将墨 西哥引进现代经济世界,在经济领域为今天的成就奠定了基础。然而,他在执政时期为 巩固政权不惜修改宪法、操纵选举、限制新闻自由、网罗亲信、迫害反对派、残酷镇压 工农群众运动。因此,也有人认为,他是个独裁者、考迪罗。 对这位颇具争议性的人物,有人褒奖,有人反对。如何去评价他的功过是非?我认 为,这是一个很值得深入研究探讨的问题。虽然,迪亚斯实行军事独裁统治、投靠外国 资本主义,但是却不能由此而全面否定迪亚斯时期在墨西哥近代化进程中的作用。 关键词 墨西哥 迪亚斯 实证主义 外资 - I Abstract Abstract In 1876, Porfirio Diaz was elected President and then ruled the Mexico for 30 years. He is the longest president of his administration in Mexico’s history; he is also the echo making figure in modern history of Mexico. In his youth, Diaz attended the feudal, anti external aggression reform war and the War against France; moreover, he founded exploits constantly, promoted to general and had a high reputation. He boarded the president’s throne through military coups. In his ruling, he introduced the theory of positivism order and progressive, put forward by the French sociologist Comate the guiding principle of governing plan, stabled countries order by means of dictatorship, and improved national economy by foreign capital so as to strengthened the national power of Mexico and made a big change in its economy and society. For the above reasons, people called the 30 years of his administration in Mexico as “Diaz age”. Some people believed that “Diaz age” led the Mexico to the economy of modern world and made the foundation for today’s achievements in economic field. However, in order to consolidate regime, he was at the


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