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中文摘要 中 文 摘 要 在传统社会,族田是宗族活动的经济基础,为宗族各种活动提供稳定的资金 支持。而近代是族田发展的重要阶段,了解近代族田的运作和特点,是近代社会 经济史研究的一项重要内容。浙江是近代族田最多的省份之一,而浙北又是浙江 省耕地的主要分布地带,具有研究的代表性。以往对族田的研究主要集中在江苏、 安徽等地,没有对浙江尤其是浙北族田的专门研究。 本文依靠大量的家谱资料和土改资料,详细的分析了近代浙北族田的来源、 发展、分布、经营管理和功能等问题。进一步还原了近代浙北族田的本来面貌, 在把其与其它地区进行比较的基础上,揭示了浙北族田的特点。 近代浙北族田的来源方式和渠道多种多样,其中以捐献和购买为主;浙北族 田总体上呈不断发展的态势,期间由于战争等原因出现过波动;族田田产会首先 选择租给本宗族内人口,若出现事端则转租给外姓,而且租额一般低于私人田租 额;族田的管理具有相当程度的民主性且富有成效;近代浙北族田具有多项功能, 宗族能够权衡轻重,使各项功能得以充分发挥。族田是宗法社会的必然产物,对 传统乡村社会有着深刻的影响。研究近代浙北族田有助于深入认识传统的宗族社 会,对当今中国农村土地制度的变革等都具有重要的启发意义。 关键词: 近代 族田 浙北 I Abstract Abstract In the traditional society, the clan fields were the economic basis for the activity of the clan, and also provided it with a stable financial support. Then the modern times was an important stage of the clan fields’ development, it is an important content of Modern social and economic history to realize the operation and characteristics of the modern clan fields. Zhejiang was one of the provinces which had the most clan fields, while north of Zhejiang is the most intensive place of reduction of arable land, so the research on it is representative. Studies on clan fields before was mainly focused on the area of Jiangsu and Anhui, whereas, on special studies was carried out for Zhejiang province specially for the north of Zhejiang,. The paper analyzes the source, the state of development and distribution, management and operation and the function of clan fields which based on the massive north of Zhejiang clan register and the land reform material. So as to uncover the real face and show the feat


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