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局部解剖(双语) 精品课程 课件PPTNeck
The Neck (L. collum, cervix; Ch. 颈部) The neck joins the head to the trunk and limbs and serves as a major conduit for structures passing between them. In addition, several important organs with unique functions are located here: the larynx and the thyroid and parathyroid glands, for example. Neck: Cervical Regions Neck: Surface Anatomy Bones and cartilages of neck The skeleton of the neck is formed by the seven cervical vertebrae, hyoid bone manubrium of the sternum clavicles Larynx cartilages thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Trachea Fascia of Neck superficial cervical fascia deep cervical fascia investing layer pretracheal layer carotid sheath The common internal carotid arteries. The internal jugular vein (IJV). The vagus nerve (CN X) prevertebral layer retropharyngeal space superficial cervical fascia(muscle) It contains cutaneous nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, superficial lymph nodes, and variable amounts of fat; anterolaterally, it contains the platysma. The platysma, a muscle of facial expression, arises in fascia covering the superior parts of the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles and sweeps superomedially over the clavicle to the inferior border of the mandible. Superficial veins, nerves, and lymph nodes Submandibular triangle (5) Submandibular gland Submandibular lymph nodes Hypoglossal n. Carotid triangle (6) Hypoglossal n. carotid sheath The common carotid artery (CCA) Internal carotid a. (ICA): carotid sinus carotid body External carotid a. (ECA): lingual a., sup. thyroid a. The internal jugular vein (IJV). The vagus nerve (CN X) The roots of brachial plexus (Five rami unite to form the three trunks of the brachial plexus), which descend inferolaterally through the lateral cervical region. The plexus then passes between the 1st rib, clavicle, and superior border of the scapula (the cervicoaxillary canal) to enter the axilla, Thyrocervical trunk- transverse cervical a. Cervical sympathetic trunk Cervical sympathetic trunk I
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