
文献检索第九讲 锵锵三人行PPT.ppt

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文献检索第九讲 锵锵三人行PPT

《文献管理与文献信息分析》 之 锵锵三人行 嘉宾一: 担任2个国际期刊编委 2008- Current Drug Discovery Technologies; (当前的药物研发技术) 2008- Local and Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia.(局部和全身麻醉) 8次受邀请撰写专题综述, 2次受邀在国际会议上做报告 邀请书籍 Dendrimer-based Drug Delivery Systems: From Theory to Practice (including 14 chapters), John Wiley Sons, Inc., to appear in 2009. 曾获“中国科学院院长奖 ” 嘉宾一: 研究生阶段发表第一作者、通讯作者 研究论文10多篇,论文被他人引用100多次. 以下为近期代表作 (*通讯作者): Cheng YY*, Xu ZH, Ma ML, Qu HO, Xu P, Xu TW*. Dendrimers as drug carriers: Applications in different routes of drug administration. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2008, 97(1):123-143. (Invited review in the special issue dedicated to William I. Higuchi) Cheng YY*, Wu QL, Li YW, and Xu TW*, External Electrostatic Interaction versus Internal Encapsulation between Cationic Dendrimers and Negatively Charged Drugs: Which Contributes More to Solubility Enhancement of the Drugs?  Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112:8884-8890. IF 4.086 Cheng YY*, Li YW, Wu QL, Xu TW*, New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Surfactants by Two Dimensional NOE NMR Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112(40): 12674-12680. Hu JJ, Cheng YY*, Ma YR, Wu QL, Xu TW*, Host-Guest Chemistry and Physico-chemical Properties of Dendrimer-Mycophenolic Acid Complexes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, jp-2008-078919.R1, in press. Cheng YY*, Man N, Xu TW, Fu RQ, Wang XY, Wang XM, Wen LP*. Transdermal Delivery of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Mediated by Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dendrimers. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2007, 96(3):595-602. (Highlighted in “Topical Drug Delivery and Nanotechnology” as a promising drug administration route in clinical trails, 2008). 嘉宾二: 获奖 中国科学院优秀博士论文奖 首届全国大学生自强之星 第四届中国青少年科技创新奖 中国科学院院长奖 美国电子电气工程师协会联合颁发的2007年度最佳论文奖 曾受邀访问加拿大Alberta大学国家纳米中心,同时收到美国哈佛大学医学院的合作研究邀请函 三度获得教育部、中科院的研究生创新研究资助项目 SCI Publications-1 “UV-Light Induced Fabrication of CdCl2 Nanotubes through CdSe/Te Nanocrystals Based on Dimension and Configuration Control” J


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