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莊子與惠子遊於濠梁之上。 莊子曰:「儵魚出遊從容,是魚樂也。」 惠子曰:「子非魚,安知魚之樂?」 莊子曰:「子非我,安知我不知魚之樂?」 惠子曰:「我非子,固不知子矣;子固非魚也,子之不知魚之樂全矣。」 莊子曰:「請循其本。子曰『汝安知魚樂』云者,既已知吾知之而問我,我知之濠上也。」 * One day zhuangzi and huizi are strolling on the hao bridge. Zhuangzi:look how happy the fish are just swimming around in the river.! o(≧v≦)o~~ Huizi:how do you know they are happy?you are not a fish. ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ Zhuangzi:And you are not me how do you know I don’t know the fish are happy? (ˇ?ˇ) Huizi:of course I am not you,and I don’t know what you think;but I do know that you’re not a fish ;and so you couldn’t possibly know the dish are happy. (+﹏+)~ Zhuangzi:look,when you asked me how I knew the fish were happy,you already knew that I knew the fish were happy.i knew it form my feelings standing on this bridge. ╮(╯_╰)╭ Huizi:……………… * 注重天道、自然,轻视人事。追求出世,独善其身,知其不可为而安之若命。 三、道家价值观 * (一)处世哲学 1、身重于外物,少私寡欲。 2、明哲保身,不敢为天下先。 3、以柔克刚,上德若水。 4、无为而治,无为而无不为。 * 是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教。万物作焉而不为始,生而不有,为而不志,功成而弗居。夫为弗居,是以不去。 (第五章) 无为:“不妄为”还是“不作为”? * 所以有道的人以无为的态度来处理世事,实行不言的教导;让万物兴起而不加倡导;生养万物而不据为己有;作育万物而不自恃己能;功业成就而不自我夸耀。正是因为他不夸耀,所以他的功绩不会泯灭。 * Therefore the sage does everything without interference, Teacher everyone without persuasion, and lets everything begin uninitiated and grow unpossessed. Everything is done without being his deed, and succeeds without being his success. Only when success belongs to nobody does it belong to everyone. * (二)生态哲学 1、道法自然 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 (老子) 2、天人合一 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。 Great oneness between heaven and human. (庄子) * Let there be a small country with few people... Let there be a small country with few people, Who, even having much machinery, dont use it. Who take death seriously and dont wander far away. Even though they have boats and carriages, they never ride in them. Having armor and weap