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摘 要 湖北方言调查报告 第一次对鄂州市语音系统声韵调进行了全面的描写 并 将鄂州方言划入楚语区 中国语言地图集 把鄂州方言归入江淮官话黄孝片 鄂 州方言志 第一次将鄂州方言划分为江淮官话和赣方言两大片 并对代表点鄂州市 城区和太和镇进行了方言调查 但只是简单归纳了太和话的声韵调系统 并依据中 古浊塞音和塞擦音字读作送气清音将太和话纳入赣方言体系 鄂州市志 在第二十 九篇中谈到方言时 采用了万幼斌的研究成果 但是介绍过于粗略 特别是太和话 甚至遗漏了韵母系统和声调系统的描写 要全面的认识鄂州方言的面貌 首先必须对作为代表方言的鄂城话和太和话有 一个准确的认识 前人对鄂城话的调查和研究已经非常充分 而对太和话的调查和 研究则显得相对欠缺和不足 针对这种现状 有必要在详细调查太和话语音系统的 基础上 进一步整理归纳太和话的声 韵 调系统 对于太和话所表现出来的部分 独特的语音特点 即古全浊塞音 塞擦音清化 读作送气清音 也要进行全面分析 注意到有少数全浊仄声字读作不送气清音的情况 通过对太和话的社会调查 发现 部分全浊仄声字有从送气音向不送气音转变的趋势 根据太和话古全浊塞音 塞擦 音的演变特点 结合其他语音特征 将该方言纳入赣语体系 关键词 太和话 全浊字 方言归属 III Abstract The report of Hubei dialects investigation comprehensively depicted the Sheng Yun Diao system of Ezhou dialect firstly,and range it to Chu dialects region. The atlas of Chinese ranked Ezhou dialect to Huangxiao part of Jianghuai dialects system.It is the first time that The log of Ezhou dialect classified Ezhou dialect into two sections which are Jianghuai dialects and Gan dialects,and made an investigation to the city zone and Taihe town as two representational sites.But the author just summarized the Sheng Yun Diao systems of Taihe dialect and he ranked it to Gan dialects according that the explodents and affricates of the full sonants in the mediaeval times sound surds which send off airflow. th The log of Ezhou city came down to Ezhou dialect in the 29 chapter,and it adopted the research outcome of Wan Youbin who is the author of The log of Ezhou dialect ,but the introdution is excessively simple,especially about Taihe dialect,it missed the depiction of Yun Diao system. If we want to comprehensively understand Ezhou dialect,we must com


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